In Florida, the situation is more dire.

At the time, the situation was dire for Italian soccer. 2. In the latter category is a piece about green potatoes, offering,Neglect of the physical constraints of holiness could be punished with the most,I knew if we continued to roll until we were inverted, our situation would become,Might the subsequent success of that project not give some grounds for doubting his,Since the birth of the Internet, in particular, we have heard,Neville says despite some flows down the river in the last 12 months, it's still in,Gorbachev's arrival as Soviet premier, however, had,He said any police intervention was likely to have a,Even with unwavering support from communities, most clubs are in,The resulting funding slowdown comes as Michigan schools are in,Chen also said the collision underlined the,Sure it's fun to get rigged up in some flapping strides and dance along to some,At the root of the crisis is a deep angst over the,Despite the poor visibility, Earle and her fellow pond scum enthusiasts surfaced with no,The United States bears a heavy responsibility for the continuance of this,The colonialist has a smug, secure sneer on his face, like a,What it showed was a typical Saturday night, and the dominant theme was drink and its oft-times,Because your perceptions have been confined to a pinhole, and you have been in,Above the chair, a disconnected IV drip further indicates a,Coupling feelings of doubt with low self-esteem leads to very,His only purpose was to behave doltishly in,She landed safely in his, but that had not changed the,Thousands of TV commercials go on their merry way, oblivious to,In any case, it is over-egging the pudding somewhat to suggest that last season was as,You wouldn't see them at first, but sabertooth tigers, gigantic short-faced bears, and,Identification of special children and channelising them into the main stream has become a,Critics were left to slink away with crestfallen faces, hoping no one would remember their,Schools in this country, in the government system now are in,But I, like many newer Canadians, do not carry the weight of having placed them in,In turn, these companies have taken advantage of,The theme underpinning the film's murder investigation is the,What if a quarter of Israelis were reduced to,Companies suffer from a provincial and culturally blinkered approach to the repertoire and with,I know of people who suffered the lumps and bumps of skin cancers and the inevitable,Over Turkish coffee on the terrace at Amman's Four Seasons Hotel, he issued a,The latter was a major concession given the country's,While major routes such as trunk roads and motorways receive relatively large amounts of cash, Scotland's local roads are in,Many is the occasion that I have lauded the economy's transformation from the.If the process occurs too early or too late, if it is too strict or too libidinous,It is clear that the processes to mobilize our Army for war are in,It is amazing to think that a club playing in a new 20,000 all-seater stadium can be in such,Much of the money at the moment is poured into the primary sector in health, leaving the secondary sector in,I told Jacques to press this with all his might and not back down, no matter how,I wanted to argue, or display my thespian skill by claiming a dying relative or,He lost the ticket too, so he returned from his beat with a face like thunder snarling,The flagrant flaunting of wealth amidst the.I guess this gives me a shoddy excuse to embark on a weeklong bender of hard drinking,Ministers are also not required to become emotionally involved, or to throw down ultimatums, or to rattle sabers and make,As we conclude that the leaders have failed to make changes, we are currently in,The way he asked for money put to use his prodigious talents as a preacher, a wheedler, a comic and a man in,Everyone recognizes that the Assembly of First Nations is an unwieldy organization in,Mention a fourth commercial TV network in this country and suddenly the,In the final analysis, I think that it is the poor and misinformed parents who contribute to this,Afterall, there was a shade of reassurance in the predictable, however.People take a long time to die, accompanied by the cracking of bone, the resistance of gristle,Angling closer and slowing to a walk, he is shocked to see a trio of,That act of folly summed up 30 minutes of,If such a plan is truly in the works, it will have,For a country already stricken by fear of anthrax attacks, this,In the margins other authors leave their marks, comments, and,There are others though who, not only cannot do this, but are in fact in very,Driving into the office he listened to the radio and heard,Their solicitor confirmed this in his testimony in the voire,Yeah, well it's kind of helped me through some pretty,Between the hours of 9am and 6 pm these appliances will not be crewed unless a,Could not one analogously argue that the Suspension Clause authorizes suspension in times of,It is likely that the bone-modifying behaviors of,In the Pleistocene, gray wolves shared the region with C. dirus, the,The figures at the top left and bottom right are,After considering the White House's latest policy proposals, some top economists are making very,Even before the attacks, aid agencies issued,Discussion then moved on to other potential candidates in similar,Our Christmas dinner was immensely enjoyed by all, despite the,People are very reluctant to accept pay cuts, even when the company is in pretty,Dear Sir, I know you will be surprised to read from me, but please consider this letter as a request from a family in,The organisation, founded two months ago, not only tries to help victims in,The parties have fought this election by issuing,They may be anti-fog, provide UVR protection and have a bendy flexy lens but they look,A sudden attack of viral encephalitis left him in a deep coma with a,If the U.S. pushes too hard, Japan can threaten to repatriate the assets, leaving the U.S. economy in,Then, just as it seemed the prophets were predicting a,For a city built on chocolate, York seems to produce some,The fact that capitalist booms do not always collapse into,As if Argentina's energy problems were not,Foundation hospitals offering bonuses and higher pay could drain the NHS of desperately needed workers, making,Kim Jung-un clearly recognizes that Hollywood and American popular culture in general constitute a,Part of the problem is that the catalpa tree outside the bedroom window is in,Soon, the desperados ' concerns of how and when to split the gold pale in comparison to the,They all conglomerated in the skies like birds of a flock in such,Simply citing the opinions of assorted scientists, even distinguished ones, counts for nothing if their,It's what many landlords are doing, particularly those who choose to subvert the,The situation in civil court was mixed, and,As an army brat myself, I am proud of the achievements of our men and women in the armed services, who have saved us from,Now, next time you find yourself stuck at a layover in,The walls were stained and the floor was in,But all it meant for him now was that he'd end up trapped in these horribly unpleasant dreamscapes, where strange,The results of that rash decision, the most,So, what happens if nothing in his training has replicated such a,The same applies to the organs of evacuation which may become less efficient under the effect of the excessive demands made on them, with,As winter sets in, as many as 5 million face,It combined beautifully with the capers, although the mustard dressing was a little too insipid and in,Of course a possible variation of the tragic concept would allow a character to have a fault which leads to consequences far more,The former home of world-renowned novelist Elizabeth Gaskell in Plymouth Grove is another building which is in,Jazz helps sell millions of cups of coffee, but sales of jazz records are in,And there are other considerations-the value of the stolen property, the absence of any extenuating circumstances like,This will cause the hot oil to erupt with possible,The commission argues that the fishery must be restricted since cod, in desperately,Meanwhile, adventurous styling elsewhere in the market began to make Volvos look unappealingly out of step and old-fashioned, in,The elves considered themselves superior to the other two known races, humans and dwarves, and never would have told them what they knew, unless it was a,The railways emerged in a parlous state, in,The Janjaweed have waged a brutal campaign to drive out African farmers and U.S. officials are calling the,Diseases such as smallpox, typhus, and tuberculosis had,American Express Platinum is superb in these,The working classes of thatcherite Britain were in,Meanwhile, the eco-warriors of Greenpeace have issued,Of course it was a matter of some contention with Mother that I was using all of her hairspray to kill insects, so I reserved that weapon for,Even triggers that may be adjusted arrive from the factory with the adjustments sealed and accompanied by,The fake sky went dark and he sang in a numb and,We do not believe that the country would really be in,There is a shortage of food, there is little aid, and they are in a,There is, from year to year, a sameness to the,So far European economic policy has not been designed to act as a locomotive to take over the lead in the world economy and the Japanese economy is in,A portion of their land was seized and sold to satisfy their creditors, and shortly thereafter they sold the rest of their land, apparently out of,The Food Bank provides one-time emergency grocery assistance to those in,As you can see from my photograph, I'm in,But this year Buffett is deeply unsettled by the complex world of derivatives and the column inches devoted to his,Bethan Jones, defending, said the defendant was in,Since you've bought this book and intend to make a will, I won't badger you with,Through a translator, several gay Iraqis spoke to The Advocate about the,Although the government has utilized grace periods, thus far they have honored their external obligations, even under,This edition has new methods and ways to ask voir,And which attorney relishes having to sit for hours while the voir,Most Tories were strongly opposed, and made,Perhaps it is applaudable if Mr Fox considers the economic threat so,It's a pity that those who fulminate against the protesters can't summon up the same fury for those who landed us in this,Because his new novel, The peripheral, is his most,The user claims that there were cages for,The 17-year-old struck up a bond with Zunni while he was Sansa's,She still lives in Leamington with her parents and dog Zunni who played her,The goal of our program is to help bars in,Want to help out a family member who may be in,They warned that the multi-billion dollar fishery faces a,Beeching, who is thought to have been the author of most of the report, set out some,However, the grey-tiled Creative Arts building has all the charm of a gents urinal and its timbered cladding is in,Towards the end of the steam era, steam motive power was allowed to fall into a,As a result, population numbers far outstripped the amount of available food and land, creating,In addition to the fast dwindling resources, the acid rain is going to add to the,And when Paulinho later tried to compensate for his team-mate's shitbaggery with a committed challenge, it ended in,Some challenges are issued during voir dire while others are presented to the judge at the end of voir,City may have been soaraway winners of the Championship last year, but they are in,In 107 BC, shortly after being elected as Consul, Marius, fearing barbarian invasion, saw the,But this should not lead to complete avoidance, as if it is like some,You see the village hall where we stage our charitable do-gooding is in,Might this then be a bellwether tale about the rumored,In the mists of time, yodelling was the way to communicate good news or,Bradford largely expanded into the city it is today during the 19th Century, due to jobs in the newly built textile mills attracting many immigrants in,They represent a promise to future generations of Central Americans, a promise of enduring peace and a reorientation of national priorities to meet,Awsome for half an hour against Juventus, to,Chen in late 2013 who took the gearstick at Blackberry when the company was in,After rejection after applying for other benefits that I was advised to apply for by December, my situation was,On the downside, people working for printing presses are facing the,Inspite of this situation, data on card holders imply that consumers still rely on plastic money in times of,About October 3, His Eminence called the deceased and informed him that it was necessary to sell the scrolls in a short span of time in order to get out of his,Otherwise would we have inhaled un-tipped cigarettes of such,Salvation Army and other providers of foodbanks are now accepting donations of tampons and sanitary towels after an upsurge in women turning up in,The other, scholastic encyclopedism, was not yet in such,Even before the revolution, Yemen's water situation had been described as increasingly,A third-rate travelling show in financial,Nutty professor Calvin Webber and his pregnant wife, Helen, are throwing a swinging cocktail party when JFK comes on television and informs the nation of the,The family's financial situation eventually became so,Making it worse is the fact that whenever the band forgets itself and goes into.My dad had booked a special reunion concert by 80s rock legends,The roarings of huge creatures are blossoms as are a miniature primate, a,Having in mind the information related to you by Mr. meller, that there was,The present, so, was more than any possible future, how,When the cold and damp summer of 1845 brought the potato rot, the little, overpopulated island was facing,Hennie Penny, you see, had come bravely through,Efes will not have it easy on the road as Unics Kazan is in,But hast thou no friend that will help thee in thy,Ah, how is it possible for the untaught heart to keep its faith, unswerving, in the face of,He only seemed to contrast his present cheerfulness and felicity with the,Another mesmerising show of indifference that demonstrates what.

Take the current fas : The colonialist has a smug, secure sneer on his face, like a dire dare to retaliate. Examples of dire in a sentence: 1. dire in a sentence - Use "dire" in a sentence 1. English Translation of “dire” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. You can even use it to vocalize the written example of "i.e." And even so there ensued a dire and strenuous conflict. Think of them as a punk Dire Straits. dire meaning: 1. very serious or extreme: 2. very bad: 3. very serious or extreme: . For English speakers learning French, this is easy: you can use dire for either. 6. Dire definition, causing or involving great fear or suffering; dreadful; terrible: a dire calamity. Shall the dire curse eternally endure? Dire is one of the most common and useful French verbs and has irregular conjugations.Dire literally means "to say" or "to tell," and is also found in many idiomatic expressions.. 3.