Both Taurus and Aquarius …

Once these two combine forces, they can succeed at anything. Taurus friend is more practical and does not mind daily monotonous work while Aquarius friend is creative and finds daily routine work boring and unexciting. Aquarius desires to improve existing structures and systems, while Taurus doesn't like change and desires to maintain and keep the status quo.To Taurus, Aquarius appears impulsive, unpredictable and far from the mainstream of social mores and.The best way to understand the sharp contrasts between Taurus and Aquarius is through their elements. This successful friendship compatibility is seen in mutual creative work. The.Taurus will expect Aquarius to be best buds and be available to do everything with Taurus. Taurus has a practical, down-to-earth approach to life.

Plus, their stubbornness subtracts from their flexibility.Oil rises to the top of the water.

Taurus’ focus on the simple and practical contradicts the Aquarian’s extravagant lifestyle. Taurus is receptive and passive.If the relationship steps into the polarized area, all bets are off. The couple must set boundaries and agree to them.Taurus has a worldview with a focus on relationship and family. The forward-thinking Aquarius can impress a Taurus with their remarkable insights.Aquarius is a goal-oriented character. One couple might be singing “I’m crazy for you,” the other might be singing, “I hate myself for lovin’ you.”.The aspect of Aquarius and Taurus reveals the position of each sign on the zodiac wheel. Hell, on earth. A Taurus and Aquarius friendship isn't an easy one; it has some shared strengths and plenty of challenges. Can I sleep with you and Daddy?” There stands a child all chubby and cherub-faced hoping to hop in bed with Mom and Dad!Even if you are not a parent, you can almost hear the.The Aquarius personality demands new positions or even new locations for sexual encounters. She might have a glass menagerie of animals in one corner of the living room.

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Because the duo can take each other in smaller doses.
No blurry areas. If both the friends realize that cooperation is better than competing with each other, they can be a great combination.Taurus is more stubborn than Aquarius, but might give in, to some extent, to avoid too much conflicts or misunderstandings in their friendship.Sign up to receive my latest travel updates and posts.Scorpio Celebrity Cocktail: The Urban Phoenix,Sagittarius Celebrity Cocktail: The Cocktail Holmes,Capricorn Celebrity Cocktail: Kate Royale. Aquarius is a mover and a go-getter.

Of course, there are clashes in the Aquarius and Taurus love match!The Aquarius personality is heady and aloof. Taurus might do the same if they reach the peak of their patience. Aquarius generates ideas, and Taurus supports them actively.

Aquarius Can Introduce Taurus To New and Exciting Ideas.

If these two somehow manage to have a friendship, it's clear Taurus won't be able to keep up with Aquarius.

Aquarians need to sacrifice freedom. Therefore, the Aquarius can learn this from him or her and become more practical when it comes to doing things.The Taurus is a fixed sign belonging to the.As a friend, this native is giving, empathic and easy-going, so many will want to be around him or her, but as long as the quick temper that characterizes these natives is kept in control.While very stubborn, the Taurus can simply refuse to do things without having a good reason. smokeandcoal: I've heard so many examples of Taurus and Aquarius not being compatible and not working out well, even as best friends. The Aquarius woman loves to be spontaneous and spends money like its water.

This combo can work if Taurus listens to the water bearer's innovative ideas, so the bull can then implement them to bring into reality.Taurus and Aquarius are initially attracted to each other because they are opposites.