Data from the California Department of Public Health shows several schools in Sacramento and surrounding counties with immunization rates of 50% or less. As a teacher who interacts with hundreds of students everyday, I feel that herd immunity is very important. Local agencies in Shasta County are "kind of the teeth" of the requirement that schools submit their numbers, Kaut said.

Jessica Cowette, formally Jessica Esquival, has a ten-year-old daughter who she says is up to date on her vaccinations. That would be extremely problematic.". State lawmakers claim many of these exemptions are fraudulent. Similar text is also just below a parent-friendly “How Is Your School Doing?” map on the agency’s purple-themed “” website — and in the California Code of Regulations. State Senator Richard Pan has introduced a new law aimed at reducing fraudulent vaccination exemptions.

Classes with fewer than 20 total students still have to submit their numbers, but the state said it doesn't publish their names for confidentiality reasons. It wasn't clear how many of those audits happened and what they found.

In some areas, Reiss said she's seen issues with vaccination rates dissolve with a little outside help. Just stop it with the madness, and leave the vaccine discussions at home where they belong. If your vaccines are so effective, then why are you worried? When I chose to be a teacher, the most dangerous thing I worried about was the flu.

In particular, she loves writing about the issues of this community through long-form storytelling.

Vaccine advocates say that's not safe.

(Again, despite that statistic, the vaccination rate in the state appeared to be at its highest level in 15 years in spring of 2017.
If you see comments in violation of our community guidelines, please report them. I am not a first responder or a medical professional.

There is currently no authority in the state that decides on the validity of issued medical exemptions for vaccines. Those areas did not have higher infection rates, so the premise is invalid and the bill itself will cost $50 million to implement and another $30 million a year from the general fund to keep running - all for two … Read More, Not really … if you overlay the data from the known measles outbreak in California in 2019 and the list of schools with the most medical exemptions you can see that there is no correlation.

Other Redding-area schools that didn't turn in their numbers for 2017-18, per the California Department of Public Health, are: Overall vaccine numbers are up in California, but Pan said it's important to stay vigilant about reporting compliance. A sampling of schools listed as delinquent in Shasta County yielded two that were no longer in operation, though.

Sawyer disagrees with that, saying doctors are spending more and more time talking to families about vaccines because of a rise in concerns nationwide.

This school shows exactly why SB 276 is needed in California. California vaccination rates – 7th grade.

Half of the 1,500 schools that would come under state scrutiny if SB 276 was signed into law have no medical exemptions.

In 1990, a five-year-old local girl made national news when she lost her limbs due to complications from chicken pox, before a vaccination for the disease was available. As a teacher who interacts with hundreds of students everyday, I feel that herd immunity is very important.