The Rhine forms the border between Liechtenstein and Switzerland, Switzerland and Germany and part of the border between Germany and France. In the low alluvial plain which begins below the Chainat Dam, there are many small canals (khlong) which split off from the main river. Image Source/Image Source/Getty Images. The Rhine is also the site of many tales involving Attila the Hun, Siegfried and the Rhine maidens. Geography 5. It reaches the South China Sea through Vietnam.
From the point where it rises to its mouth, the most precipitous drop in the Mekong occurs in the upper Mekong basin, a stretch of some 2,200 km (1,400 mi). I make that 6 countries. Such is the case with the Mae Nam Ping in Chiang Mai which is known as the "Ping River".

Fast Facts 3. This included the Nan River basin, a tributary of the Chao Phraya, which is home to a number of taxa (for example, Ambastaia nigrolineata and Sectoria) otherwise only known from Mekong. Here, it drops 4,500 metres (14,800 ft) before it enters the lower basin where the borders of Thailand, Laos, China, and Myanmar come together in the Golden Triangle. Cruiser Profile 8. Festival of Sacrifice: The Past and Present of the Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha. It reaches the South China Sea through Vietnam. The Mekong Basin can be divided into two parts: the "upper Mekong basin" in Tibet, and the "lower Mekong basin" from Yunnan downstream from China to the South China Sea. [21] By far the most diverse family is Cyprinidae with 108 species. Endemic mammals that remain are the limestone rat (Niviventer hinpoon), Neill's long-tailed giant rat (Leopoldamys neilli), and the near-endemic Thailand roundleaf bat (Hipposideros halophyllus). & any other useful info you can think of. During the peak flood season, when the level of the Mekong is high, waters flow through the Sab River to the lake, which then expands from a little more than 1,000 square miles (2,600 square km) to …
The control of the Rhine from Basel to the Netherlands fell to the Germans in the Middle Ages. How i Write a Letter from a grandfather to a grandson who has been neglecting his studies impressing upon him the importance of education? & Darwall, W.R.T. It flows southwest through Yunnan Province through the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas in the Hengduan Mountains. Will 5G Impact Our Cell Phone Plans (or Our Health?! In the 17th century, France contended for control of the Rhine, and their struggle with Germany lasted until after World War II. Madoc, G. 1950. [21] The mainstream of the Chao Phraya River has about 190 native fish species. mekong starts from tibet in china, down to myanmar, then laos and thailand, then cambodia, and south vn(mekong delta) and to china sea. The department found the lower Chao Phraya contains bacteria and nutrient pollution from phosphates, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Finally the Chao Phraya Basin itself is defined as the portion of the Chao Phraya watershed drained by the Chao Phraya River itself, and not by its major tributaries or distributaries. In May or June—as the rain-bearing southerly monsoon winds arrive—the flow begins to increase, with an especially rapid increase in the eastern and northern highlands. The Wang River enters the Ping River near Sam Ngao district in Tak Province. The landscape of the river basins is a very wide, flat, well-watered plain continuously refreshed with soil and sediment brought down by the rivers. The swamp would have been covered in Phragmites marsh grasses. It flows through Bangkok and …