In the range of scanning weather radar produces many separate radio beams (to 1024), each beam is broken during the reception on many placed one by one points (the default - 256 points maximum - 512) for each point measured level of the reflected signal indicates the presence and density of clouds and turbulence.

In the case of turbulence measurements provided brown, for strong turbulence - purple. Darker (red) zone corresponds to more dangerous meteoformations. If there is no system of electronic indication, to the meteo radar indicator includes its own (Fig.

For commercial weather radar, ARINC 708 is the primary specification for weather radar systems using an airborne pulse-Doppler radar. Slotted antenna array can create a diagram direction of desired shape (Fig. Modern Weather Radar also able to detect wind shear, which poses a real danger to aircraft and can lead to disaster. In the conditions of maneuvering Weather Radar stabilizes the beam of antenna in a horizontal position. 90).

On the screen of indicator levels of reflecting signal represents as points of different colors. Principle of operation of Weather Radar based on the principle of action of primary radar. Evaluator estimates by travel time of the probe radio signal to the air object and back distanceIn addition, during the probing signal reradiation from objects changing certain parameters of the signal. Modern Weather Radar used antenna array.

Honeywell offers a range of weather radar products for any aircraft. Through the antenna switch recieved by antenna signal is passed to a receiver that handles call-out. Airplane radar displays typically only display information from the on-board radar and do not downlink any additional information from ground stations. Evaluator handles the information and gives measurement results in system of display.

(b) For propeller driven pressurised aeroplanes having a maximum certificated take-off mass not exceeding 5 700 kg with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration not exceeding 9 seats the airborne weather radar equipment may be replaced by other equipment capable of detecting thunderstorms and other potentially hazardous weather conditions, regarded as detectable with airborne weather radar equipment, subject to approval by the Authority. If you wish to contribute or participate in the discussions about articles you are invited to join SKYbrary as a registered user. To solve navigation tasks Weather Radar can work in mode of browse of surface relief of the land. This page was last edited on 8 August 2016, at 15:27.

Antenna system designed for radiation and receiving of probing radar signals.
As a result, points create on the screen sketch of meteo formation in the direction of flight. If at board of aircraft available electronic display system for output of meteorological information using its indicators. unless it is equipped with airborne weather radar equipment whenever such an aeroplane is being operated at night or in instrument meteorological conditions in areas where thunderstorms or other potentially hazardous weather conditions, regarded as detectable with airborne weather radar, may be expected to exist along the route. Traffic Collision and Avoidance System TCAS, 7.11.

Evaluator with different algorithms fixing change of probing signal parameters and their values evaluates physical properties of objects, from which he was reradiated. For weather radar, reflections from aircraft are a cause of noise and clutter. The information scaled depending on the set on the remote control range of distance.