Zork II incorporates my favorite puzzles from MIT Zork: the palantirs, the tea room, the round room, the robot, the volcano, the glacier room. I should point out here that although the series should be played in order, each part is independant of the rest, so you no experience of the first 2 games is needed to play Zork 3 for example. It seems that old things have become more and more a thing of value.I remember my wife talking about her life as a very young girl living in a very rural area around Friend, Oregon. I can’t say it enough, this is free! Who knows it was a lot of years ago.I’ve always been a bit of a hoarder. Or, maybe they went to town one day and never returned.You know, like died or got abducted, or something.Anyway all this stuff, which today would have value. The player begins as an "adventurer" standing near a white house in a nice forest, but soon descends into the Great Underground Empire, where most of the game takes place. The puzzles are devious, and clues are too scarce.

Lol, this game was made before the medal system!These are some of the best programmed text-based games, ever created in the late 20th century, and as such they come highly recommended :) Hope y'all don't get eaten by a grue O_O.I love these types of games they really make you think for yourself instead of following a guide you get to choose how you do things.

This leads the player down the long path of a dead-end.

in Recent Posts. There was an old abandoned house in the middle of nowhere.Imagine that, an old abandoned house in Friend. Wow, sounds like a scene out of playing Zork.She remembers going through this old house, which by the way they were not suppose to be there, and it looked like that whoever lived there just one day walked out and left everything behind. This can sometimes result in death and restarting the game, or not getting a certain item.If you enjoyed Zork I, or want to play a difficult text-based game, you will love Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz. I could actually code on that.

To Infocom And The Download To...OK, so downloading can be troublesome and it takes time and why download when you can just click on this link and PLAY ZORK. I got a laugh out of him.I told him I’m going to hide some hundred dollar bills willy nilly around the place to make it worth while going through the junk.You have arrived. Zork II (Mac download here) The next step downward to danger. Once again, the game is set in the Great Underground Empire, but this time the main goal is to face off against the titular Wizard.Like its predecessor, Zork II plays like any other text adventure: there are no graphics - only text - and the player types commands such as "lift cage" or "examine robot".Zork II is the sequel to the well know text-based game Zork I. Don't bother clicking the 'Stuck?' Like the previous game, Zork II has a weak story and little background information.Just as its prequel, Zork II is a text-based game, involving commands to move around and do actions. I said Eli, I’m up here in the room above my shop looking at a bunch of junk that you are going to have to deal with when I’m gone. The player's quest is to collect the Nineteen Treasures of Zork. Click the big green button and you'll be transported to Infocom and the official download page. It begins where Zork I left off and leads into Zork III.It is Infocom's second game. Adventure galore awaits you! Things of the past, like Zork, will just have to be a part of me, lingering in the cobwebs of my past.My basement is so full of stuff, I fear the day I’m gone and someone else will have to clear it all out.I even built a shop with a second floor and now it’s crammed full of all my work supplies and truck parts and remodel stuff that, again, I just can’t seem to part with the stuff.I was relaxing in that second floor room the other day and just leaning back in an old office chair and decided to call one of my sons. These games seem to function just like the originals did. Some commands include: Look, Take, Get, Kill, ect. Free is good, right? Zork 2: The Wizard of Frobozz is the second in a long-running series of adventures set in the Zork universe, created by Infocom. Enter the realm of the Wizard of Frobozz, in a long hidden region of the Empire. This game isn't good for impatient people, however.Zork 2 is a continuation of the story from.. yes, you guessed it, Zork 1. Even my email is cluttered with old emails. cry.Once upon a time, I bought the first 2 Zork games on Apple II floppies. Solve text-based puzzles in a realm known as the Underground Empire. The story: arrying on from the first game, you are exploring a region of the underground empire ruled by the powerfull (and senile) Wizard of Frobozz. Detailed description here, download and installation instructions here. The main problem is that there are no "clues" to tell you how to complete the puzzle.

To defeat the wizard and gain control of his powers.Zork II has long been regarded as one of the most difficult game in the Zork series. Don't bother clicking the 'Stuck?' I’m sure if you look long enough you can find something to buy.