In the previous 35 years, the AFL-CIO had granted such a charter to only two groups—the farm workers and SASOC. On July 7, 1976, the first constitutional convention of the new organization was held at the Americana Hotel in New York City. AASA awards and scholarship programs recognize excellence, profile best practices in public education and honor leaders from inside and outside the field of school administration whose contributions have made a significant impact on the lives and learning of children.

The American Association of School Administrators (AASA), founded in 1865, is the professional organization for more than 14,000 educational leaders across the United States. Leonard P. Pugliese is currently the executive vice president of AFSA. WHEREAS, the Wake Up Wal-Mart campaign is bringing together grassroots community leaders, citizens, workers and union members who recognize Wal-Marts negative impact on workers jobs, wages and health care. The AFSA PAC supports candidates who pledge to fight for quality public schools, improved working conditions for school leaders, school leader-specific professional development, school safety, retirement security and policies that will provide the tools education professionals need to provide America's youth with the highest-quality education possible. (Spouses and domestic partners are ineligible for this benefit.). THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA) supports its locals and affiliates in measures to increase the employment of Assistant Principals, educational supervisors and administrators by; WHEREAS the operating costs of the American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA) have significantly increased. It provides consumer benefits to members and retirees of participating labor unions. afsa provides labor relations, professional, and occupational services to public school principals, vice principals, administrators, and supervisors in diverse school districts across our nation, in puerto rico, and the us virgin islands. COUNCIL OF SCHOOL SUPERVISORS AND ADMINISTRATORS | 40 RECTOR STREET | 12TH FLOOR | NEW YORK, NY 10006 | (212) 823-2020 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the per capita dues to AFSA be increased by twenty cents effective September 1, 2006 ($7.95), twenty cents effective September 1, 2007 ($8.15) and twenty cents effective September 1, 2008 ($8.35). American Federation Of School Administrators 1101 17th St NW Washington DC 20036. AFSA offers programs that have been designed to meet the specific needs of school administrators and supervisors.¨As a member of CSA and AFSA, you are automatically enrolled in certain benefits when you pay your union dues. Prior to attaining this position, Dr. Pugliese served AFSA as general vice president and more recently as the AFSA secretary-treasurer. In February 1974, an election was held and Peter S. O’Brien, an elementary school principal, was named CSA president; his running mate, longtime activist Jack Zuckerman, became CSA's first full-time executive vice president. In the fall of 1968, Walter J. Degnan again took the reins as CSA president. ), The American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA), AFL-CIO, Performing Arts Principal and BCSA Local 10 Member Jody Covington is BUFFALO PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2020-21 -Reopening Manual - WORKING DRAFT, NYC school reopening plans show ‘alarming lack of direction,’ union leader says, BCSA Local 10, Buffalo, President Crystal Barton Speaks at Mass Meeting of Buffalo Educators United to Destroy the Racist, Bigotry and Injustice Virus, NYSFSA Executive Director Peter McNally with NYFSA Vice President Crystal Barton and other guests at CSA Conference, Suspension of the Spring 2020 Grades 3–8 English Language Arts Test Shipments and Computer-based Test Window Opening, NYSSAC Letter to Senator Schumer and Senator Gillibrand. The American Federation of School Administrators is the exclusive national labor union for school administrators, professionals and supervisors advocating for excellence and equity in all of our schools, workplaces and communities. Lauran Waters-Cherry is currently serving as the Secretary-Treasurer of AFSA. CSA continued its fight representing the interests of its members, setting its sights on obtaining official recognition, salary increases and a grievance procedure.