In an interview with Cinema Express, filmmaker Prashanth Neel confirmed that actor Prakash Raj has not replaced Anant Nag in the much-anticipated sequel of the widely-acclaimed Kannada film, K.G.F. He was born on 04 September 1948 as Anant Nagarakatte in the Chowpatty suburb of Mumbai. Actor Yash and Radhika Pandit/picture courtesy: Yash's Instagram account.

The couple welcomes their second child, a baby boy on Wednesday, October 30, 2019, at a private hospital in Bengaluru.The actor will next be seen in the highly anticipated film KGF 2.

It lies about 30 miles (50 km) southeast of Srinagar, on the Jhelum River north of the Pir Panjal Range.

Have a fun-filled festival and make sure u enjoy all the modakas",This year our celebrations may not be as grand as it used to be every year nevertheless our spirits are not hampered.. let this festival of Gowri Ganesh Chaturti bring abundance of happiness, good health and joy!! Speaking about Adheera’s character traits, Prashanth Neel revealed that Sanjay Dutt will be shown as a power-hungry man in the film, who wishes to become the ruler of Kolar gold mines and could go to any extent to get his dreams fulfilled. CNN and the CNN logo are registered marks of Cable News Network, LP LLLP, displayed with permission. The film is going to be an edge of the seat thriller for sure, owing to its brilliantly cut trailer.

He wrote, “Welcome on board @prakashraaj sir. Soon, after the picture was posted by Prakash Raj, fans pointed out the resemblance of the setting to that of Anant Nag’s scenes in Chapter 1. mid-day online correspondent |,First Published: 22 August, 2020 07:22 IST,Chaitanya Tamhane's The Disciple wins again at the Toronto International Film Festival 2020,Veteran Marathi actress Ashalata Wabgaonkar no more; succumbs to COVID,Pooja Hegde is 'not practising social distancing'; here's why,Drugs Case: Deepika Padukone to be questioned over 2017 WhatsApp chats,Lockdown-hit Ghatkopar vada pav seller jumps off 6th floor, dies,Poonam Pandey gets husband Sam Bombay arrested for assault, threats,COVID-19: Navi Mumbai's cases doubling period goes from 42 days to 72,MS Dhoni upset with umpire reversing dismissal decision,Khaali Peeli makers to have drive-in premieres in Gurugram, Bengaluru,MNS activists didn't travel in regular local train: Railways,Sonam hits back at a troll who called her husband ugliest,Drugs case: Deepika Padukone's manager summoned by NCB,Taapsee Pannu: There is no foolproof solution to the nepotism debate,RGV, Saiyami Support Anurag ; Richa Takes Legal Action Against Payal,Bhiwandi building collapse: Death toll in incident rises to 33,Mumbai: Virar civil contractor shot by two bikers, case registered,Rhinos could be extinct by 2025: Kevin Pietersen,Jimmy Kimmel responds to low Emmys ratings: We set a record, let's just say that. A new official date is yet to be announced by the makers.CNN name, logo and all associated elements ® and © 2020 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. A Time Warner Company. The ambitious Kannada project, Kolar Gold Fields aka KGF garnered immense praise from audiences across the nation. 5,661 Followers, 603 Following, 280 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Ananth Nag ™ (@ananthnag24)

By continuing to use our website, you agree to our,Updated: 22 August, 2020 07:51 IST |

Have a fun filled festival and make sure u enjoy all the modakas😃.On the work front, Yash will soon be seen in part two of Kolar Gold Fields.

Following the coronavirus lockdown and Sanjay’s health concerns, the film’s release has been postponed. Use of the CNN name and/or logo on or as part of does not derogate from the intellectual property rights of Cable News Network in respect of them. We resume shoot finally for #KGFCHAPTER2. This year has seen everyone face a lot of issues due to the global pandemic, now the festive occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi is just around the corner and it's a time of great joy for everyone. View Ananth Nag’s professional profile on LinkedIn. 66.6k Followers, 422 Following, 245 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Ananth (@actorananth)

Prashanth Neel also revealed that.Prakash Raj recently made his debut on Discovery Plus by giving voiceover for the documentary,A meaningful have been a voice of nature,Yash's KGF: Chapter 2 shooting to resume soon, director Prashanth shares preparation pics,'KGF: Chapter 2' to resume shooting from this date, confirms EP Karthik Gowda,Sanjay Dutt contributed immensely to his character's details, reveals 'KGF 2' director,Yash starrer 'KGF 2' resumes shooting today, fans flood Twitter to wish 'all the best','KGF: Chapter 2' shooting begins, Prakash Raj joins the cast; See pics here,India's 'Hark who's talking' to Erdogan loud & clear; Turkey tyrant's J&K meddling slammed,Outspoken in Rhea-CBI tug-of-war, Bihar DGP Pandey takes VRS amid election speculation,Coronavirus LIVE Updates: India's tally crosses 53 lakh mark; 1 lakh single-day recoveries,Kangana Ranaut attacks KWAN's former co-owner after agency comes under NCB scanner,'K.G.F: Chapter 2' will star Prakash Raj in a new role, confirms director Prashanth Neel,'KGF: Chapter 2' Shooting Begins, Prakash Raj Joins The Cast; See Pics Here,Yash's KGF: Chapter 2 Shooting To Resume Soon, Director Prashanth Shares Preparation Pics.

Prakash Raj has recently joined the sets of the much-anticipated upcoming movie KGF Chapter 2. The makers of the film released the first look poster of the film that has sent Yash fans into a tizzy. However, Prashanth Neel added that Sanjay’s character in the movie is loyal to his brother, Suryavardhan, due to which he finally ends up leaving his dream of ruling the gold mine. He is the elder brother of Kannada cinema’s legendary actor and director, Shankar Nag. In an interview with Cinema Express, filmmaker Prashanth Neel confirmed that actor Prakash Raj has not replaced Anant Nag in the much-anticipated sequel of the widely-acclaimed Kannada film,In his interview, Prashanth Neel also spoke about Sanjay Dutt’s character and revealed that the actor was his first choice for the role of Adheera.

Wish us all the luck”.Thank you everyone for all the love and excitement towards the movie.In addition to Yash in the lead, KGF: Chapter 2 also features Bollywood stars Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon in important roles.However, due to Sanjay Dutt’s recent cancer diagnosis, he will be away from work until the completion of his treatment. © Copyright Network18 Media and Investments Ltd 2020.