Implications for event organizers and winery management are explored.The serious leisure perspective (SLP) can be described, in simplest terms, as the theoretic framework that synthesizes three main forms of leisure and shows, at once, their distinctive features, similarities, and interrelationships (the SLP is discussed in detail in Stebbins, 1992, 2001a, 2007/2015). Araştırma için anketler 29-31 Mayıs 2015 tarihleri arasında 10. New York: Routledge.London Healthy Urban Development Unit of the National Health Service (2013). NY: Schocken Books.McCool, S. (2013). Authenticity: What consumers really want. Methods for Assessing Program Effectiveness. The literature review includes the overview of hospitality management; the overview of tourism management; the importance of hospitality management in the digital age; the importance of tourism management in the digital age;The field of tourism history has been developing rapidly, especially since the 1980s. (2013).

Upper Saddle River NJ: Pearson.Wackernagel, M., Schulz,N.B., Deumling, D., Callejas Linares, A., Jenkins, M., Kapos, V. Monfreda, C. Loh, J., Myers, N. Norgaard, R. & Randers, J.

Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28 (6), 656-674.Lew, A. and Cheer, J. Event tourism is both a field of study and a globally significant sector of the economy.

Results show that the key path starts from core service to emotion, then to hedonic value, and finally triggering attendee return intention. (2016).

The business leaders favor leveraging but prefer that the coordination come from an existing business organization or association, rather than through government or a new bureaucracy. Sustainable festivals: On becoming an institution. Tourism Management, 33 (5), 1068-1079.Larson, M. (2009). Este estudo de caso, que inclui 31 eventos enogastronómicos, visa aumentar o conhecimento de como é feita a promoção desses eventos e saber qual é o contributo dos mesmos para a atratividade turística do destino, na perspetiva dos seus organizadores.No presente artigo, busca-se saber qual o nível de satisfação dos visitantes do Festival Brasileiro da Cerveja (Blumenau/SC, Brasil) em relação ao evento e como as fontes de informação impactam esses visitantes.

Στο τέλος της εργασίας, αναλύονται οι προοπτικές με τις οποίες τοπικοί χοροί συνεισφέρουν στην οικονομική ανάπτυξη της περιοχής μέσω του πολιτιστικού τουρισμού. Prepared for Festivals Edinburgh.BOP Consulting (2016a). Little is known of the long-term success or sustainability of various event-tourism organizations and strategies. In, Lundberg, E., Armbrecht, J., Andersson, T. & Getz, D. Annals of Tourism Research, 25 (2), 275-291.Green, C., & Jones, I.

Sport in Society, 8 (2), 164-181.Green Event Book (n.d.) Carbon Footprints,, D. (1972).

Report. New York: Greenwald Press.Bourdieu, P. & and Passeron J.

As specific objectives, we seek to understand events as a marketing strategy using case study and bibliography review to identify the communication and marketing tools organizers use and to find out the practical procedures used by organizers.

), The Routledge Handbook of Events, pp. Event Tourism: Concepts, International Case Studies, and Research. A Procedure for Evaluating Environmental Impact.

The study is based on theory that illustrates two underlying economic forces behind the rapid growth in food trucks: information frictions which are solved by mobile technology, and taste-for-variety. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kültür turizmi, alternatif turizm, festival turizmi, güvercin kültürü, İskenderun Güvercini.

Event Studies: Theory, Research and Policy for Planned Events. It was also determined that the local community consider the following four dimensions of study as high and positive: positive support for the development of the festivals, positive personal effects of the festivals, positive economic effects of the festivals and satisfaction for development of the festivals, consider the following dimension of the study as low and negative: socio-cultural effects of the festivals.

tourist destination. That the Perspective takes its name from the first of these should in no way suggest that it be regarded as the most important or superior of the three in some abstract sense. Policy recommendations integrate the concepts of creative placemaking, place-visioning, community engagement, and policy learning and adaptation—all with the goal of matching strategies to consumer preferences.Integrated Quality Management (IQM) was developed to encourage the development and implementation of approaches focused on quality and sustainable development.