Itzhak Stern, a Jewish clerk said this to a fleeing Oskar Schindler as World War II reached its sunset and the Allied forces liberated Nazi torture and extermination centers. On the day when the Jewish labor-areas were cleared, Schindler with his girlfriend was riding a horse on a mountain from where he could see the atrocities against the Jews. He would be Herr Direktor, they would be his employees.

He wanted to make armoured shells for the Nazi Army fighting the Allied forces.
He left his wife and traveled to West Germany, where he made an unsuccessful attempt in the cement business. He is not directly…,annihilation of their heritage. Overall, there are 126 speaking parts in the film. Why do you think Stern acts as he does, and why does he never drink with Oskar? And, since then he along with Stern looked for all the valid reasons to employ more and more Jews with varied and often no skills to save them from certain death at concentration camps.In early 1943, the Nazis implemented the liquidation of the Krakow Jewish population and opened up the Plaszow work camp, run by the notoriously sadistic commandant, Amon Göth.Schindler cultivated a relationship with Göth, and whenever any of his workers were threatened with deportation to a concentration camp or execution, Schindler managed to provide a black-market gift or bribe to save their lives.At a rare moment during the liquidation, Stern was arrested and was sent on a train bound to Auschwitz. Schindler requested Göth to allow him to relocate his factory to Brnĕnec, in the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, and produce war goods. Not wanting to contribute to the German war effort, Schindler ordered his workers to purposefully make defective products that would fail inspection. “Whoever saves one life saves the world entire”.Itzhak Stern, a Jewish clerk said this to a fleeing Oskar Schindler as World War II reached its sunset and the Allied forces liberated Nazi torture and extermination centers. Looking for business opportunities, he quickly got involved in the black market. Itzhak Stern was a major influence towards Oskar Schindler’s decision to save over 1000 jews from suffering the holocaust.

In the film, Schindler’s List, conflict performs a significant role in the audience's comprehension of how this aspect affects not only a collective perspective but also provides a powerful impact to an individual’s viewpoint, as seen from Oskar Schindler’s character development throughout the film.….Stern acts as Schindler’s conscience and in turn, He is the real hero.Whilst Itzhak was writing out the list he was wondering how Oskar was doing this, he then found out he was buying each and everyone of the Jews. A Meltingpot for Morrinsville College English Students.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:According to Stern’s postwar recollection, he immediately recognized that Schindler was that rare item in Nazi-occupied Poland: The “good” German. The influence of Itzhak Stern is of decisive importance in understanding Schindler’s evolution from war-profiteer to rescuer of Jews. When Stern was buried in 1969, Schindler stood at the graveside, crying like a child.Stern was the first person to inform Schindler that Jewish slave labour cost less than Polish labour. From mass shootings to forced hunger, to using poisonous gas, to simply putting people in burning ovens- all of these were used to execute an entire race.Between all this was a shrewd, womaniser who thought that he could make money from the war. I found it remarkable that the film was not portrayed from neither a German Nazi view, nor Jewish view. All around its margins lies the gulf,” Stern is realising Oskar’s change and is expressing his new trust in Oskar. Stern was the first person to inform Schindler that Jewish slave labour cost less than Polish labour. He was told to draw up a list of workers he wanted to take with him.With Stern’s help, Schindler created a list of 1,200 Jewish names he deemed “essential” for the new factory.Permission was granted and the factory was moved.