Even after TESV and FO4, there are still people being vocal about poor design decisions, lack of optimization/polish, reusing story assets, etc. Its a fantastic game. ",I mean after skyrim you expect bathesda to take fallout 4 to a whole new level the game was just disappointing the writing was laughable the dialogue choices is insulting the game was dumbed down to oblivion I mean you start the game by spraying down a deathclaw it’s just a joke.Could downloads ever get removed from player's PS4 libraries?why won't my dualshock 4 controller charge?How do I share one PSN Plus membership with two PS4's?When Did It Become Cool To Hate Bethesda. By evening, local ABC, NBC.

"But wait! So it had to be after that.MTX aside Fallout 76 should've been F2P.

Notably, one young man took full responsibility and said his motive was to draw public reaction given the street protests then beginning around the country.He also took responsibility for the March incident. Police did not charge a hate crime, but maybe you had to be a lawyer to know why. BTW, fallout3 is just bad on consoles. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Constant crashes, scripting errors, quest errors, bugs, graphical glitches, YOU NAME IT. I actually deleted Fallout 4 for ONE YEAR to avoid having to put up with this and last week I figured, surely, Bethesda has no more updates for this shell of a game, this unfinished piece of crap that requires at least 100 mods to make it playable and fun? - The Pitt was better, but not THAT much better.These expansions aren't that long either...Operation Anchorage is like 3 hours max. Lindsey Graham: GOP has the votes to confirm Supreme Court nominee before the election,DOJ rebuffs Nadler over hearings, says he blew his chance with treatment of AG Barr,Click

Not even close. Also terribly exciting.The game is meant to consume time, not give you a meaningful experience.
I hated them ever since skyrim, they think its okay to release a AAA buggy piece of shit game and expect the "modders to fix it" as quoted by MANY fans. !i hate posts like these, we knew before the game came ou that ps3 would not get the dlc.....[QUOTE="hillelslovak"]Welcome to last year..........There is no contract! I hated them ever since skyrim, they think its okay to release a AAA buggy piece of shit game and expect the "modders to fix it" as quoted by MANY fans. (see Tweet below), but this is simply unacceptable for a AAA developer that knows better.I don’t see much hope in Bethesda right now. I AM GOING INSANE THAT ARE NONE. Not the Bethesda Magazine, not the DCist, and not local FOX, CBS, NBC, or ABC stations. I found a ini line fix but it doesn't do much, shaves maybe a few seconds off but that's it.4 days of modding 8 to 12 hours a day, cleaning them mods, searching for them sorting them testing them and now a week later an 85 mb update.How about hating yourself for being too lazy to read?He didn't own diddly, I already knew all of that. I don’t know, it seems a bit disingenuous to those who have found amusement in.and that’s not cool. i hate bethesda an 85 mb update just to destroy my F4SE version for the 10th time. They're the ones that paid out the nose for the DLC to be exclusive.Bethesda and Rockstar alike. So when Walt Whitman High School’s principal sent out a broadcast email last March describing graffiti of a racial slur, the “N-word,” painted in a remote part of campus few had seen, and telling over 2000 families that “hate crimes will not be tolerated,” Bethesdans recoiled and heard John Legend singing in the background.The local D.C. press responded like a drill formation. They also took questionable measures to keep the secret; the truth must have been too embarrassing after investing so much in their self-flagellation.

Bethesda seems to be working on at least one more of these Bethesda games in the form of The Elder Scrolls 6, and possibly two if you count Starfield, which … None of the games you put out should go gold. There is no proof that supports that! Bethesda, learn how to make a complete game for a change. Whitman’s principal arrived, got his spray can and the offense was rapidly painted over. The moment Oblivion released and removed a considerable amount of the dice rolling DnD aspect of the game, people have s*** on Bethesda.Ever since they made that drag racing game on the ps1.https://imgtc.com/i/qdKP1n4.jpg https://i.imgtc.com/wQYlqJT.jpg https://imgtc.com/0M35lPf https://i.imgtc.com/kTp75AJ.jpg.Since at least Fallout 3 which was mostly rubbish.For me it's Fallout 76, and I don't really hate Bethesda, just pissed off at them for what they've done with this release of a series I really like.Doom was awesome. That is a whole other story. keri seymour Posts: 3361 Joined: Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:09 am » Tue May 15, 2012 4:24 am . Yes. I hate them so much. Because it’s been fundamentally the same since 2008 with,. Sure M$ is screwing us over by handing out $, but Sony needs to start doing something about it or else next time it will be the whole game.I enjoyed the game for what it was .. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. What is certain is that it does not help our civic discourse when professionals, whether police, educators or “journalists,” work so hard to protect such a big lie.

The jump the shark moment. Zero replayability.The Pitt is like 5-10 hours max depending on whether you decide to do all of the collecting side quests.What I'm saying is, these expansions are nowhere nearly as large as "The Shivering Isles" for Oblivion. (“Montgomery County Police misrepresented school incidents as hate crimes,”Washington Times, August 18, 2020.