Researchers say 26 percent of parents expressed reluctance to have their children get flu shots, while only 6 percent were hesitant about the…. "Generally adults have better immunity from being exposed in the past," he says. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. If you are hanging around young toddlers or the elderly a lot, then it is more important to get the flu shot to avoid passing on a potentially deadly virus.

So, not only does she get protected by getting vaccinated she will protect her newborn.”. Buzz60’s Sean Dowling has more. It's what I got this year, and it was completely painless. Every year I haven't gotten it the most I get is regular cold. I could miss time but I'd rather not. It takes 2 weeks for your body to develop immunity, so it is better to be vaccinated now, rather than later when you see a … None of us have had the flu. It depends. I'm not sure. Related Video: This Year's Flu Shot May Not Be as Effective Against One Common Strain (Provided by, Like us on Facebook to see similar stories.

Nonetheless, each year it prevents thousands of infections and thousands of hospitalizations and it prevents many of the negative complications that can come from influenza.”, Schaffner pointed out the vaccine, “Like so many things in life, it’s not perfect, but it’s the best that medical science can produce and it’s important people get vaccinated.”. Get vaccinated, and here’s the bonus: the protection the woman makes for herself passes through the placenta and into the newborn — well into the baby’s first 6 months of life. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time, advises Dr. Glatter. I'd say you're safe not getting one. If you are hanging around young toddlers or the elderly a lot, then it is more important to get the flu shot to avoid passing on a potentially deadly virus. Last year, for example, the H1N3 strain that was knocking people on their butts ended up being a huge threat, but not the one the WHO had prepared for. Could a $1,000 UV Lamp Really Stop the Flu? Microsoft may earn an Affiliate Commission if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. I personally have never had a flu shot. update: oops forgot, In North... jump to content.

Have you not made the connection? listen live. At the latest, people should get it [by] mid to late October.

The CDC has a flu vaccine finder to help you find the location nearest you. For them, getting the first installment in August is reasonable, says Dr. Schaffner.

Among the sobering statistics from last year’s flu season is that a record 180 children died. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Children and teens are also experiencing a higher rate of secondary infections like pneumonia. The flu shot takes two to three weeks to start working so the sooner you get it, the sooner you can be protected." Have you not read the boxes and inserts of these poisons? Everyone over the age of 6 months is advised to get the flu shot to protect against the disease. egg protein (cell culture) sucrose (stabilizers) gelatin (stabilizers) polysorbate 80 (stabilizer) aluminum salts (adjuvants) formaldehyde (inactivating ingredient) thimerosal/mercury (preservative) penicillin/sulfa drugs (antibiotics) Many of these ingredients are known carcinogens and detergents that have harmful or unknown effects on the human body. The flu season usually peaks in mid Feb so you are still susceptible for a while. Is it too late to get a flu shot?

900,000 people were hospitalized and about 80,000 died, The Flu Shot Can’t Infect You and Other Flu Facts. Get the can get them at almost any drug store in America without an appointment. I don't interact with children, I don't shake hands with the public, I wash my hands often, and I'm not at risk for transferring it to the enderly or infirm. If you do a google search in different regions, you will find many stories similar to this one: I got it hard late last was not pleasant. MD here: Short answer: No, go get your yearly influenza vaccine now. This is why when we try to correct the body in homoeopathy you will find numerous old known problems and some new come forth before the final cure (direction of the cure/Hering’s law).

I haven't gotten one in over twelve years. Can you afford to get sick and miss work? Experts say not enough people are getting vaccinated. But you and I both know readers should know the flu is fickle — anything can change.”. In the Southern Hemisphere, the 2018 flu season was less severe than in 2017, so we are hoping for a less severe season for us as well,” Mossad wrote in an email to Healthline. Here is more information from trusted sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Experts say it's almost never too late to the get the flu shot and, while it won't make you immune to the coronavirus, it may indirectly make you less susceptible and can help ease burdens on the healthcare system.

If you're in America, we haven't actually peaked as far as flu season goes but all signs point that it will be a rough one with several different strains making too frequent appearances. Technically, no, though there are definitely better and optimal times. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. For some people it is probably important depending upon their health. Why 1 in 4 Parents Are Hesitant to Have Their Children Vaccinated Against the Flu, Why Seeing a Doctor Within 48 Hours of Flu Symptoms Is Critical, Flu Season Is Here and Cases Are on the Rise, Flu Season Update: Where the Virus Is Hitting and What Shots Are in Short Supply, The Flu Vaccine Might Be Mismatched, but You Still Need Your Shot, The 2018 Flu Vaccine Was Only 29% Effective — but Experts Still Recommend It, Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT. Researchers were able to inactivate about 95 percent of airborne virus in a study. Take the updated influenzium once a week from October onwards and this should prevent you even getting the flu. First few responses say to go get it. "Manufacturers don't want to produce more than will be used so now's a great time to get it because we haven't heard of shortages yet.". How many doctors advise this?