You may have no management experience yet, but you are interested and motivated.
All rights reserved. So while there are some training requirements for insurance agents, the regulatory focus is on the insurance company in terms of capital and liquidity requirements.The higher the cost of failure, the more likely the individual practice in question is to become a regulated profession. And frankly, if a profession isn’t regulated, we pay almost no attention to it in any event. Over a large few decades, factors such as growing size of business unit, separation of ownership from management, growing competition etc have led to an increased demand for professionally qualified managers. In other words, for someone to be a professional they have to know some things that only a few, carefully trained people know. Let your staff know you need their feedback and input, but also make it clear that your decision at the end of a process is the one that stands. One after another, wannabe professions — from shiatsu massage therapists to mind-body-spirit healers — traipsed into our offices to argue for why they needed to be regulated. It's OK to think those things, but you have to take the next step of self-evaluation and decide if you have the proper makeup for management. If it doesn’t attract regulation, it doesn’t matter a whit whether an activity is deemed by its participants to be a ‘profession.’,I am in wholehearted agreement with Barker when he argues that: “The skill of integration distinguishes managers and is at the heart of why business education should differ from professional education.” I also agree with his view that this isn’t taught in business schools almost (but not quite) without exception. These situations tend to attract regulation — whether in air safety, drug approval, food inspection or, no doubt.In contrast, we don’t think of insurance agents as professionals, because the entity responsible for potential failure is the insurance company (if it doesn’t have the capital to cover your insurance claim in the future), not the agent. Harvard Business Publishing is an affiliate of Harvard Business School.July-August 2010 HBR article, “No, Management is not a Profession,challenge we set ourselves at the Rotman School of Management,When More is Not Better: Overcoming America’s Obsession with Economic Efficiency. John Reh wrote about business management for The Balance, and has 30 years of experience as a business manager.Caiaimage/Paul Bradbury/ Riser/ Getty Images,12 Great Job Training Ideas for Employee Development On-the-Job,Avoid 10 Mistakes Bosses Make to Ensure Your Success Managing People,Take a Look at the Role and Responsibilities of Today's Manager,What Every Manager Needs to Know About Succession Planning,What Organizations Can Do to Promote Women in Leadership Roles,You Owe Yourself a Career Path Plan—Here's How to Chart Your Course.Do Your Employee Stories Strengthen Your Work Culture—Or Not?Build a More Effective Relationship With Your Manager With These Tips,First Resume Example for a High School Student,Create a Workplace That Motivates Employees to Do Their Best,Welcome a New Employee and Schedule a Meeting Before Their Start Date. In other words, since management displays features that come under the umbrella of a profession, it is said to be a profession. However, you also know there is always more to learn. Being a management consultant is all about having a "Swiss Army knife of solutions you can use to work with a client," says Brad. Many years ago, the consulting firm I worked for got the mandate to do a broad review of health discipline regulation.

Profession: Is management a profession?
One of the best things young managers can do is embrace a team mentality. Richard Barker makes several interesting and important points in his,Barker’s argument that management is not a profession is based on information asymmetry, “the mark of a true profession”. Among the many potential starting points and milestones are five levels of management. It’s true that quality is hard to determine in advance. Speak up and let it be known that you are a candidate.This is when you have decided to try the management career path. You might be wondering whether a management career is for you. Industries and management trends always are evolving, so what worked several years ago might not be as effective today. Based on this calculus, management isn’t and won’t anytime soon be a profession.

Maybe someone has suggested it. Not all skillful and hard-working business managers are noble; some are despicable.

Your employees will know you are new to management, so use that to your advantage. Maybe you just feel you can do it better than your current boss. Do you have real-world project management experience that's led to success?

With the gradual development of theory and practice of management, claim is lately been made of its being recognized as profession in the same way as law, medicine, engineering and teaching. Management as a Profession. As an long-time manager, you can build on new strategies with the wisdom of past experiences.F. But I part company with Barker on his assertion that: “The key here is to recognize that integration is not taught but learned.”.Here he falls prey to a logical fallacy that I experience every day in my world, the world of business education — and that is the view that because something is untaught, it is unteachable.