This week on Intercepted: As the longest continuous war in U.S. history enters its 19th year, Congressional Democrats and Republicans are joining together in an effort to keep the war going. A nice surprise: in each episode of SmartLess, one of the hosts reveals his mystery guest to the other two. The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald talks about the new information. This week on Intercepted: guest host Naomi Klein argues that it’s time for some big bold thinking about how we can safely live, work, and learn with the virus — and maybe even enjoy ourselves. Jeremy discusses the prosecution of an alleged NSA leaker. famously alleged that federal agents were mad because he was flagrant. The state of Texas has set an execution date of November 20 for Reed. The leak of these files is historic. About four months after their marriage, the Virginia county they lived in issued a criminal indictment charging the Lovings with violating Virginia’s ban on interracial marriage. In between tweets accusing Joe Scarborough of being involved with the death of an intern decades ago and spending time on the golf course as the U.S. neared 100,000 coronavirus deaths, Trump has offered an overwhelmingly fictional narrative about Democratic voter fraud punctuated by warnings of the election being illegitimate...As the Covid-19 U.S. death toll climbs toward 100,000 and unemployment is nearing 20 percent, House Democrats have offered up a bill that is intended to offer a sharp contrast to the corporatist Republican agenda. Sharlet’s books “The Family” and “C-Street” chronicle the history and strategy now permeating the Trump administration and the Republican Party. Plus, Jeremy Scahill takes on the red-baiting scare tactics being deployed against Sanders.Billionaire former mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, has announced he is going to unleash a spate of attack ads against Sanders; while Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden are harping about comments Sanders made on 60 Minutes where he praised Cuba’s literacy efforts. Plus interviews with artists, thinkers, and newsmakers who challenge our preconceptions about the world we live in. Donald Trump stars in American Beauty.This week on Intercepted: Rep. Ro Khanna calls for a complete end to all U.S. military assistance to Saudi Arabia and the  catastrophe in Yemen.

Something more kinetic? Gilmore is one of the world’s preeminent scholars on prisons and the machinery of carceral punishment and policing. If it’s not fear monger then why aren’t you reporting your foreknowledge of such events to the proper authorities? Eight women have made allegations of misconduct against Biden and one of them has accused him of sexual assault. His book, "Unsafe at Any Speed," was an influential investigation and exposé. Nader rose to prominence in the 1960s after blowing the lid on extreme safety issues with General Motors and other car manufacturers’ products. Flores was soon followed by seven other women sharing similar stories. Mildred was black and Richard was white.Historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz argues that the Second Amendment is rooted in genocide, slave patrols and says it should be abolished. She’s currently organizing a relief fund for Colombian families affected by Covid-19, which you can learn more about here.Escape From the Nuclear Family: Covid-19 Should Provoke a Re-Think of How We Live.As Washington cuts off desperately needed aid to the unemployed, millions of families face the reality that many K-12 schools likely aren’t reopening, and young adults look ahead to a bleak future, reality is setting in that the Covid 19 crisis was not a blip. We talk to national security correspondent Spencer Ackerman of The Daily Beast about Jared Kushner’s alleged meetings with Russian officials to establish back channel communications. Hear the audio that matters most to you.Commercial-Free CNBC, CNN, FOX News Radio & MSNBC,Commercial-Free Music For Every Mood & Activity. Former US Army Ranger Rory Fanning talks about his slain comrade, NFL star-turned soldier Pat Tillman. On this special episode of Intercepted, we are going to dig deep into several issues facing the country and the world right now. Just last year, an outbreak of mumps overtook dozens of ICE facilities, infecting nearly 900 detainees. In a recent speech, NYU history professor Nikhil Pal Singh took a longer historical view, sketching three arcs of U.S. history that have yielded the durable commitments to racism, militarism, and unequal class power that have sharpened over the past two decades.If the Democrats retake the House, Rep. Hank Johnson will be the chair of a subcommittee that has subpoena power to continue the investigation of Kavanaugh. Many of the states that have reopened surround Indian country and the Chairman of the Hopi Tribe reservation says, “we have a wildfire burning around us.” Journalist Rebecca Nagle, host of the podcast This Land, discusses how the coronavirus is disproportionately impacting native communities, explains some major cases before the U.S. Supreme Court on indigenous land rights, and talks about Trump’s battles against native tribes.As the Covid-19 U.S. death toll climbs toward 100,000 and unemployment is nearing 20 percent, House Democrats have offered up a bill that is intended to offer a sharp contrast to the corporatist Republican agenda. She takes us to visit friends in Oakland, California who have been living in a multi-family housing compound for years. They break down Trump’s attacks on the media, that insane speech he gave at the CIA and the state of the Democratic party.