Areas of Social Studies Sciences: Economics and Administration, Tourism and Tourism Management, History, Culture, Religion, Psychology, Sociology, Fine Arts, Engineering, Architecture, Language, Literature, Educational Sciences, Pedagogy etc.Utility networks- gas, electricity, water and telecommunications- provide the basic infrastructural foundations to the operation of modern economic and social systems.

The results showed an improvement in the perception of the positive and negative impacts in the in situ period with respect to the pre-event. the definition of mega-events and their impacts and legacies - Other bibliographies - in Harvard style .

The findings suggest that a high level of future intentions for positive behavior can benefit the intangible characteristics of the event and host communities, and that these population groups can better harness the tangible benefits of sports events.Mega-events such as World Expos have the potential to exert enduring economic and social effects on host cities.

The sports event promotion is a key factor when it comes to the number of tickets sold. Slang extremely good, great, or successful (C20: probably independent use of mega-)

Medium-term effects of mega-events on citizen quality of life: The case of the World Expo 2015 in Milan,Effect of Sport Media on Social Behaviour: The Attitude and Perception Change of Chinese College Students toward the International Media Reporting the Beijing Olympics,Sustainability in Mega-Events: Beyond Qatar 2022,Investigation the Effect of Performing Physical Activity at Home on Sleep Quality and Life Satisfaction During Coronavirus (Covid-19) Outbreak,Cultural Mega-Events: Opportunities and Risks for Heritage Cities,EVALUATING THE SUCCESS OF PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGNS FOR MAJOR SPORTS EVENTS: THE CASE OF FIBA EUROBASKET 2015, CROATIA,Journal of Current Debates on Social Sciences 2(1),MORE THAN DUCTS AND WIRES: POST-FORDISM, CITIES AND UTILITY NETWORKS,Long-term impact of a mega-event on international tourism to the host country: A conceptual model and the case of the 1988 Seoul Olympics,The impact of the Olympics on existing travel in Sydney,A special event as part of an urban renewal strategy,Economic Impact Analysis of Sports Facilities and Events: Eleven Sources of Misapplication,Inside the Olympic Industry. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Megaevent' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Dickson, T. J., Benson, A. M. and Blackman, D. A. Certain events in recent local history are shown to have had important effects on the sectoral concentration of economic activities,This study examines how nations have employed bidding presentations for global sporting events during the past decade as an opportunity for nation branding. They include the following: using sales instead of household income multipliers; misrepresenting employment multipliers; using incremental instead of normal multiplier coefficients; failing to accurately define the impacted-area; including local spectators; failing to exclude “time-switchers” and “casuals;” using “fudged” multiplier coefficients; claiming total instead of marginal economic benefits; confusing turnover and multiplier; omitting opportunity costs; and measuring only benefits while omitting costs.The contents of this document cannot be reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, without the previous consent of authors. Eine außergewöhnliche, multisensuale Echtzeitveranstaltung, die einen globalen Markt adressiert sowie globales … Die Unterschiede können Einfluss auf psychographische...Suchformular The results show that six out of seven elements of the sports promotional mix were included in the event’s general promotion - advertising, publicity, personal contact, incentives, atmospherics and sponsorship. Although the competition took place in four different countries, namely, Croatia, France, Germany, and Latvia, this paper focuses only on the elements of the sports promotional mix applied in the Croatian part of EuroBasket 2015. The findings indicate aspects of path dependency in economic change, and illustrate difficulties and challenges faced by China's ethnic minority areas in overcoming economic backwardness.this global event. Towards redefining the concept of legacy in relation to sport mega-events: Insights from the 2010 FIFA World Cup. volunteers involved in the study. The Qatari bid proposed a new FIFA Men’s World Cup (WC) spatial compact model around just one city area and the goal of achieving the first carbon-neutral WC. The results indicate that hosting MSEs to create positive,Innovation has been widely regarded as a powerful tool for stimulating economic growth and changing the quality of human life since the beginning of time.