The door by the medi-pack is where you will come out of later. Jump to the improvised elevator landing and you will now see a giant wheel. Head up the stairs and get rid of the museum guard. When inside, you are half in and half out of the tongue.

     2440B4A8 1AE4C58B With a weapon equipped, press Left Analog-stick Forward + Circle + R2.

     16 Disable FMV 2AD32361 24020001

Next, go to the end of that hanging "box" and do a running jump to the tall glass display. Go back to where you shot the white-shirted cop and enter the door. Go back to the pawn shop.

If you step into them, a policeman will try to kill you and both doors will be barred.      2440B5A8 1A64C58B

The sequel to Hitman forces a retired assassin back into action by treason.

GAMESHARK V3 CODES: (These codes only work with Gameshark Version 3.0), [M]Must Be On F443B62E B77C4516 Lara will say something. Then, pull the right lever and you can collect the object.

Go straight then hang a right.

     DE888BD6 E0AF9B83

Then: Desert Ranger: Go back to the Serpent night club (the garage entrance). Forget about the ladder in there, as all you get is a candy bar.

**With this code, you lose health when hitting the ground.      Super Jump Moving Lara at that point results in her "warping" up out of the ground. Then, walk back out of the pawn shop.

     24DFF7AA 5EE5C519

     11 Dont Lose Health From Falling 2A7F30D3 00000000 While armed, run into the room and kill the cop.

After you complete the Louvre Storm Drain you will use a hallway that leads all the way up.

Visit the dark recesses of the world corr... Hitman is back and this time he's paid in cold, hard cash.

     Start Game With:R35 Pair 2450B4A8 1E6485A9

Look up, and you can monkey-bar across the bottom of the bridge above you.      CEBDBBE6 BCA99A82

     *With this code, you still lose health when hitting the ground.      Max Money      Start Game With:M-V9 2450B6AE 166485AB

So you can pick them up again.

     2451B5A8 9664C51B Slide down and jump to the other side.

As J.C. Denton, a rookie ... Master your surroundings: Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within... SitemapAdvertisePartnershipsCareersPrivacy PolicyAd ChoiceTerms of UseReport Ad, CA Privacy/Info We CollectCA Do Not Sell My Info.

     Start Game With:99 Antique Doubloons 24D0B5AE 1EE4C5AB Tap Left Analog-stick Away and Lara will do a backflip onto the ledge (in most places).

The name and likeness of Lara Croft, Tomb Raider screenshots and the Tomb Raider name and logos are copyright © Square Enix, Ltd. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.

     Paris1B: Margot Carvier's Apartment

     2491B7A8 9664C599 Then when you are in the air press X. Alternately, with a weapon equipped down from a ledge, press Square + X when in the air.

     Start Game With:99 Desert Ranger Clips 24D0B5AE 1664852B      Paris5_3: Wrath of the Beast Then, walk Lara into the camera.      24D1B6A8 16E4C59B

     DE8AC812 F8AADD23

After the game did badly in sales and reception, Eidos fired Core Design. Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness was screwed in every which way; the game was hit with a delay and then rushed out in order to cash in on the Christmas sales.

     Inf Health