Thanks to a range of wonderful volunteers across the world - we are learning more about the humpback whales in Europe and the whales that visit Irish waters every year. These seasonal migratory visitors travel thousands of miles annually - with a known range extending from Iceland to West Africa. 2017) and aerial surveys (Mallette et al. Allied Whale developed photo-id techniques for humpback whales and in 1976 published the first North Atlantic Humpback Whale Catalog.

Irish Humpback Whale Catalogue Milestone Reported by RTÉ.

NOAA Fisheries worked worldwide to identify and apply protections for humpback whales. First Sighted: Dingle, Co. Kerry August 2019.
Using photography, researchers capture this image to identify each whale. Sightings of humpback whales have increased in recent years, but so too has observer effort. Click on the images below to enlarge them, compare your own images and learn about when we first and last encountered the whale.

In the years that we have been living among these whales, we have learned that each whale, like our species, are clearly distinct individuals; and that their uniqueness extends beyond their distinguishing fluke patterns shown in the subsequent photographs. Currently, it contains over 8,000 animals from all the known feeding and breeding/calving grounds in the North Atlantic Ocean.
350 students & 35 faculty on the coast of Maine. Create a regional catalog of high quality humpback whale identification images and sighting data in collaboration with contributors from the mid-Atlantic region. "Polkadot", First sighted: 5-5-2019 -Baltimore Wildlife Tours, Last sighted: 17-5-2019- Cork Whale Watch.

we build it together. 105 Eden Street

Last sighted: May 2018 - Baltimore Wildlife Tours. In collaboration with MERS and the Pacific Wildlife Foundation, we are building a coast-wide identification catalogue for humpback whales. When a humpback whale dives, the tail rises into the air showing a distinct shape and coloration unique to each whale. First sighted: 17th May -2019 off West Cork.

Individual humpbacks are identified by the black and white pigmentation patterns and scars on the underside of their flukes (tails), and the distinctive scalloped edge, called the trailing edge of the flukes. "Barnacle Bill".

Create a regional catalog of high quality humpback whale identification images and sighting data in collaboration with contributors from the mid-Atlantic region. Commercial whaling severely reduced humpback whale numbers from historical levels. First sighted: May 2018- Baltmore Wildlife Tours, Last sighted: May 2019- Baltimore Wildlife Tours. First sighted: 19th July 2020 off West Cork. Baltimore Wildlife Tours, Humpback whale ORCI_06_HBIRL75 A.K.A. Allied Whale has been using photographic identification (photo-ID) techniques to study humpback and finback whales for over 40 years. This project will enable us to understand the broader picture in regards to habitat use and social relationships of humpback whales.

Humpback whale #ORCI_07_HBIRL82 A.K.A.

Naval Station Norfolk is the world’s largest Naval Station with a high concentration of military vessel traffic and training exercises occurring in the near and offshore waters of Virginia. "Fade". Currently, OBIS-SEAMAP hosts multiple other photo-ID catalogs (e.g., MABDC, PIPIN) and provides a user-friendly interface that provides efficient tools for comparison of collections. Use the menu below to read about the discoveries made using photo-ID research techniques. Each whale has a unique pattern on the underside of its tail fluke, which can be used as a fingerprint, allowing researchers to identify individual whales.