When at war, Rumple encounters a seer who predicts that he shall have a son but that his actions during war shall make his son fatherless. And the other characters that they changed were either so minor, or had such vague characterization in the first place that changing them doesn't ruin the recognition.

If not, you've failed your readers, and more than that, you've failed the character - And crazy as it sounds, to writers (most writers) characters are much more complex than just something you've written. Also it would give peter some family issues to live with alongside the lost boys.Do remember how Baelfire was transported!I’m still working with my theory that it’s peter/baelfire the stranger in the beginning, I guess we’ll see.It’s a great theory jonathan and many of us share it here on this forum. Or that his shadow is out of control, or that he is consumed by power.I do agree with the 2003 film though. Grace, much like Emma, was abandoned at birth due to the Evil Queen's curse. She only ever says "He" or "the shadow" or "the boy".Let's look at Peter Pan's shadow from the books.

","Oh, no; girls, you know, are much too clever to fall out of their prams. At some point, Peter Pan/Bae must leave Neverland and travel to our land where he is forced to grow up, and then mets Emma and is now Henry’s father. Yes... the writers change things - but rarely have they changed the characteristics of a MAIN character of a story so much that that character is no longer recognizable. When Hook was climbing the beanstalk with Emma he mentioned he hung around a lot of children who felt abandoned. There's no magic but Tinkerbell could do it haha XD.XD No worries! It also makes me realise that we know a lot about Rumplestiltskin becoming The Dark One, but we do not know a lot about The Dark One. And I hope Tink will have some background with the Blue Fairy. Peter Pan, anteriormente conhecido como o menino fugitivo e o flautista, é um personagem no ABC 's Once Upon a Time. Like, the fairies are the source for magic, and they didn't inhabit Neverland yet. Not just because she was stuck in Storybrooke with no magic beans or random portals, but it was physically impossible for h...When someone steals from Peter Pan, your not likely going to make it out alive. I am totally gonna tell them I just typed an awesome reply to a person above, hit reply (I swear it sent!) And B.) It doesn't do justice to the character.Bae has been to Neverland!!!! ".The sound come from the chest of drawers, and Peter made a merry face. And I would hate it if Felix was Peter since he doesn't fit Peter Pan at all.

He is a kid that keeps getting pushed behind others for protection.

Plus I feel like OUaT is focusing less on introducing famous fairytale characters and focusing more on the characters we have now. :D.You know in the canadian promo he did say he knew hook long time ago, a big story he said and it wasn't the first time he left home and if he did he would have been around 100. That would be why he left Neverland and doesn't want to be young again. This has possibly been alluded to because in the episode 2x1 Broken with Neal, there is a sign for a Hatter shops\.But then again, not everything goes according to the fairy tale, so in OUaT he did "run" away from his father but does remember him. How ever if you take a closer look, how many fairytale chars have you seen growing older? bcos deep inside, Peter was STILL in there and that he needed to change. After saving Hen...This is the story of Evelyn (Pronounced Eev lin).

When Hook was climbing the beanstalk with Emma he mentioned he hung around a lot of children who felt abandoned. Remember in Tallahassee Hook says that he spent time with the lost boys.Neal being a Lost Boy is more probable, than him being Peter Pan.Ummm Bae saw Hook when he was younger at the bar with his mother, so maybe that is where he knew Hook from. They both may have been orphans, but only one could ever be considered a true Lost Girl. But I would be triple the epicness if he were still possibly Peter Pan, but all the evidence points to negative.I agree with @Royalfortressmeadow, if it's all true, that would be TRIPLE the epicness, because both my dad and I believed he was Peter Pan from the start! (Although Baelfire is human at least).Plus, there's been a couple of subtle references that he was connected to Never Never Land. Not sure how this will work with OuaT saying that Earth is the Land Without Magic.

But something changed when they first lay eyes on one another and perhaps, in that moment, that's when they both realized that all they needed was each other to finally be found again. But I'm sure we are going to see those two (and possibly also Tink) in the next season.Ariel is probably going to replace Ruby as main character too. While Bea did have the personality of Peter. Reminding him that he kills Henry, Bae will be Fatherless, once again or something to that tone, then realises once he sees Bae with Arthur, dun dun dun DUNNNN. Almost as true to the book too (though certain things don't really happen lol.. Wendy has more of a feminist role in the movie haha) and Peter Pan is definitely portrayed well as a womaniser. The window flew down and ripped his shadow off him. Disney does own a movie using Terry Brooks' retelling of the story called Hook that takes place several years after Peter maries Wendy's daughter  Hook steals their two children and Peter has to go back to Neverland and learn how to be brave and happy and childlike again.With people complaining that Neal/Bae is nothing like Peter Pan my thought is Emma had to learn to trust and have faith and not be so hard hearted.

Hating her father just as much as him they're almost inseparable after his father drops them both into the portal.

Prince Charming isn't a legitimate prince. Bae tells Wendy tales about the Enchanted Forest and how terrible magic is. For all we know, they're being used as pawns in a much larger scope and goal.I think that is a good point. Umm, they got around copyright for Hook and Smee... And the second-season is almost over.