en 1966.   In January 2010, Paterson replaced Jon Scieszka as the Library of Congress National Ambassador for Young People's Literature, a two-year position created to raise national awareness of the importance of lifelong literacy and education.[8][21][22].

[6][7] She was the second U.S. National Ambassador for Young People's Literature, serving 2010 and 2011. While continuing to write, she was unable to get any of her novels published. In her 2007 NSK Prize Lecture at the University of Oklahoma, Paterson said she has spent the last "more than forty years" of her life as a writer, and her books seem "to be filled with heroes of the most unlikely sort. Katherine Paterson's Website - Author of Bridge to Terabithia Read the Book, Watch the Movie This Newbery Honor novel is a motion picture starring Kathy Bates, Octavia Spencer, Glenn Close, and Sophie Nélisse. J'aime pleurer. A Japanese friend pushed her to go to Japan instead, where she worked as a missionary and Christian education assistant. Paterson began her professional career in the Presbyterian Church in 1964 by writing curriculum materials for fifth and sixth graders.[15].

Paterson, unlike many other authors of young adult novels, tackles themes often considered to be adult, such as death and jealousy.

La famille fut forcée de rester en Chine lors de l'invasion japonaise de 1937, puis dut partir en 1940, où elle rejoignit la Caroline du Nord.

Paterson's first language was Chinese, and she initially experienced difficulty reading and writing English. Son père s'éclaircit la gorge. Bridge to Terabithia, her most widely read work, was published in 1977. [2][3][4] drame   écrivain femme La pacotille des uns est le trésor des autres. - Ta mère et moi croyons que nous devrions descendre chez nos voisins afin de leur présenter nos condoléances. [19] She has four children and seven grandchildren.[20].  

C'est parce que cette chanson est sacrément belle que je pleure.    

Son roman le plus célèbre, Le Royaume de la rivière (Bridge to Terabithia) paraît en 1977. Légende vivante de la Bibliothèque du Congrès, Portail de la littérature d'enfance et de jeunesse, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Katherine_Paterson&oldid=172910111, Auteur américain de littérature d'enfance et de jeunesse, Lauréat du prix commémoratif Astrid-Lindgren, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à la littérature, Portail:Littérature américaine/Articles liés, Portail:Littérature d'enfance et de jeunesse/Articles liés, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Culture et arts, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Religions et croyances, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. The Womeldorf family lived in a Chinese neighborhood and immersed themselves in Chinese culture.   OK   En savoir plus, Rejoignez Babelio pour découvrir vos prochaines lectures. Katherine Paterson est née à Huai'an, Chine, le 31 octobre 1932, de parents missionnaires, George et Mary Womeldorf. [8] Twenty years after its publication, Of Nightingales That Weep won the 1994 Phoenix Award as the best 1974 children's book that did not win a major contemporary award.[26].   Katherine Paterson commence à enseigner à l'église presbytérienne, et écrit son premier roman, Who Am I? In January 2013, Paterson received the biennial Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal from the American Library Association, which recognizes a living author or illustrator whose books, published in the United States, have made "a substantial and lasting contribution to literature for children".   Some of her other books also feature difficult themes such as the death of a loved one.