What does tomes mean?

‘Bookcases filled with tomes of indecipherable writing lined the walls of the library.’ ‘It is a weighty tome which is stimulating and challenging to read but is, in the end, disappointing.’ ‘There are excellent tomes on Museums and on Museology, books on arts and crafts, on forests, natural history and so on.’ In fact, I wasn't going to do the rewrite, but my OCD required me to make the changes. n 1. a large weighty book 2. one of the several volumes... Tomes - definition of Tomes by The Free Dictionary. Howewer, in Spanish the subjunctive mood is much more frequently used, in particular with verbs of emotion like esperar to hope/expect/wait for, or querer to want /to love, to indicate that you want somebody to do something for you:

| Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples You could bury Keats and Lamb in the tomes that have been written about them.

Information and translations of tomes in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … Emails, technical documents, and SE answers included. 2. Use "tomes" in a sentence.

name: A surname (rare: 1 in 100000 families; popularity rank in the U.S.: #9618). 8.

Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. aristocrat. ; Maspero, Histoire ancienne des peuples de l'Orient classique,Molinier, Les Sources de l'histoire de France (.Chevalier, Repertoire des sources historiques du moyen age,The following are the principal rivers from north to south: The,m., which is exceeded only by that of the,There are rich salmon-fisheries in the lower parts of the great northern rivers, especially the.Flandin, Institutions politiques de l'Europe contemporaine (1909),The manufacture of textiles is carried on at Santiago and El.See also Denifle and Chatelain, Chartularium universitatis parisiensis,(Paris, 1827), and it has also been p rinted in.They are printed in the Monumenta Germaniae, leges,The upper Uruguay is navigable from the Quarahim to the town of Sao.It has been translated into several languages, and Greek and Latin translations are found in the Acta Sanctorum Bollandistarum.Molinier, Les Sources de l'histoire de France (1904).See the Bibliotheque des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus by Father Carlos Sommervogel.Monod, "Les Sources du regne de Hugues Capet," in the Revue historique.For a complete concordance of the Gregorian and the republican calendars see Stokvis, Manuel d'histoire.1438, and P. Puiseux, " Recherches sur l'origine probable des formations lunaires," in Annales de l'observatoire de Paris, Me'moires.etude sur les Dantonistes (Paris, 1875); Dr Robinet, Le Proces des Dantonistes (Paris, 1879); "Herault de Sechelles, sa premiere mission en Alsace" in the review La Revolution Francaise.Haureau, Philosophie scolastique (Paris, 1850).Vacherot, Ecole d'Alexandrie (1846-1851).Bassi, La Leggenda di Aiace Telamonio (1890); P. Girard, "Ajax, fils de Telamon," 1905, in Revue des etudes grecques.selecta e regestis pontificum Romanorum, edited by C. Rodenberg,bonfire of the vanities, within feet of a distinctly Scottish,His thinning hair was plastered meticulously over his bald,Political Commission elected The new Central Committee on 25 May re-elected Manuel,I've just embarked upon the journey that is reading this,Husband and wife, William and Sophie have produced a beautiful,At the book shop you will find nearly every educational,I suspect far more people became better informed from the site visit than any weighty,It's as thorough an examination as any lawyer might ever need to read But this is no dusty,It looks, in short, like a general reader's fantasy of a scholarly,The Google-backed company and others like it are looking to allow people to call to sao,The Game Cookbook is very beautifully illustrated, but this is no mere coffee table,What Philip Norman brings to this 400 plus page,Printed on recycled paper using vegetable inks, it's this year's must-have for the coffee-table.See Delitzsch and Miirdter, Geschichte Babyloniens and Assyriens (2891), and Delitzsch, Mehr Licht See Maspero, Histoire ancienne des peuples de l'Orient classique.


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The trigger for such sentences in English is the word If and this is confirmed by using the condtional word 'would'.