Typically the weather was rarely suitable to bring passengers to the area  where they were feeding as it was usually just beyond the limits [time wise and passenger endurance wise] of our 4 hr. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; All the mammals eventually disappear from view as they descend into the depths of the Atlantic. "We tried our best to keep it as stress free as we could". We had a very nice encounter with two killer whales [orca] just a few miles off Slea Head on one of our evening tours and it was all the more special in that we had a vey quiet morning tour and afternoon tour and also our compliment of passengers for the evening tour was mainly children and their parents who enjoyed the orca staying near the boat for over half an hour by which time we decided it was time to leave them, We later identified them from photo id shots taken by some of the children by mobile phone as being part of the West Coast Community of killer whales associated with the west coast of Scotland. There appears to be a summer resident family of eight and they are always a pleasure to see as their coloration is lighter than our other species of dolphins, occasionally almost white and they always have distinctive marks on their sides from their encounters with each other as they have very sharp teeth [all the better to hold their slippery prey with] and possibly also gained from rough amorous encounters with each other. We are always surprised by this phenomenon as they appear gradually at the start of the season to feast on their favourite plankton but their disappearance is always sudden and unexpected and more or less complete apart from an odd straggler. We are lucky that around the Blasket Islands and Dingle Bay we have 3 species of dolphins commonly seen and another 3 species occasionally seen further offshore.The species most encountered on our eco marine tours is the common dolphin and we are liable to come across a school of them anywhere on any of our boat tours. The Northern Bottlenose Whales were spotted by tourists on Rossnowlagh beach and were reported to the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG). Ireland.

Some lesser known facts about dolphins indicate that only three of the four families live in rivers, they are the Ganges and Indus River Dolphins, the Amazon River Dolphin and the Yangtze River Dolphin. Thats the best thing about whales and whale watching  - they make you wonder ! Ireland For Tour Information and Options click here.

That makes Ireland one of the best whale-watching destinations in Europe. The number of whales and dolphins washing up around the UK coastline has risen, according to new figures. Over 20 species of whales and dolphins live in Irish waters. http://www.rathlincommunity.org/ – Catch the train from Belfast to Ballycastle and then jump on the ferry to Rathlin and be inspired by nature for a day!!

Image caption In May around 100 pilot whales came close to becoming stranded off the coast of South Uist in the Western Isles . Minke whales are plentiful in the bay all summer and apart from common dolphins are our most observed species [but not our most plentiful as above]. var addy_textf44cf0b2a8472c3189c547add94b780b = 'info' + '@' + 'marinetours' + '.' + 'ie';document.getElementById('cloakf44cf0b2a8472c3189c547add94b780b').innerHTML += ''+addy_textf44cf0b2a8472c3189c547add94b780b+'<\/a>'; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecomarinetours/, Whales & dolphins of Dingle Bay, West Kerry, s.w. Read More. "Myself and another volunteer from the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group stayed late last night looking after the last living whale and we stayed as long as we were able. area and around the 100 metre depth contour while waiting for the herring and sprat shoals to appear in September. The largest Commerson’s dolphins are those living around the Kerguelen Islands and can grow up to 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in) long. licence plate sticker expired? What’s life like for a Commerson’s dolphin? In the 90s, the Irish government banned any whale fishing activity declaring it a whale sanctuary. addyf44cf0b2a8472c3189c547add94b780b = addyf44cf0b2a8472c3189c547add94b780b + 'marinetours' + '.' + 'ie'; July 26, 2020 Posted in: News WhaleTrack Ireland . If you are interested in a day trip from Belfast to learn more about our sea-birds and sea-life though – your first thought should be Ballycastle and Rathlin Island. They are our fastest dolphin and we always keep a steady course and speed and leave it up to them to accompany us or not. A number of the whales have died, in what has been described as the largest live stranding of the animals in the country's history.

Follow us on social media. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Irish Whale and Dolphin Group - dedicated to the conservation and better understanding of whales, dolphins and porpoises in Irish waters ... Mass Live Stranding of Northern Bottlenose Whales in Donegal. You currently have no podcasts in your queue. There has been a rapid growth in dolphin watching in Ireland during the past decade.