It aims to issue timely press releases and publishes information in newsletters and on web sites. Learn more about leaving a gift in your will.

Amnesty International was founded in London in July 1961 by English barrister Peter Benenson. The idea that equality of rights applies to all people is found in the Greek philosophy of the Stoics. Thirteen million pledges were collected in support, and the Decl music concert was held in Paris on 10 December 1998 (,After his arrest in London in 1998 by the,After 2000, Amnesty International's primary focus turned to the challenges arising from.In the aftermath of 11 September attacks, the new Amnesty International Secretary General,During the first half of the new decade, Amnesty International turned its attention to.In 2007, AI's executive committee decided to support access to abortion "within reasonable gestational limits...for women in cases of rape, incest or violence, or where the pregnancy jeopardizes a mother's life or health".Amnesty International reported, concerning the,In 2009, Amnesty International accused Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement of committing war crimes during Israel's January offensive in Gaza, called,In February 2011, Amnesty requested that Swiss authorities start a criminal investigation of former US President,In July 2011, Amnesty International celebrated its 50 years with an animated short film directed by.In August 2012, Amnesty International's chief executive in India sought an impartial investigation, led by the United Nations, to render justice to those affected by war crimes in Sri Lanka.In February 2016, Amnesty International launched its annual report of human rights around the world titled "The State of the World's Human Rights". In countries where no section or structure exists, people can become "international members". The idea of universality emphasizes the validity of humanity, norms and moral judgments wherever and whenever. We find it already in Greek Stoa philosophy. On 10 December, World Human Rights Day, the first Amnesty candle was lit in the church of St-Martin-in-the-Fields, London. Fa'afiu the first of Pacific descent. Not that they were always completely new at the time – see for example the reemergence of people’s representation in Medieval times.Many philosophers, activists, politicians and others have contributed to the development of human rights. In countries in which Amnesty International has a strong presence, members are organized as "sections". Each Section sends its Chair and Executive Director to the GA. Two members are co-opted.The IB is elected by, and accountable to, the Global Assembly. Major breakthroughs occurred in the 18th century, during the Enlightenment. Amnesty was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977. Joan Miró, Elisabeth Frink, Alexander Calder and Roland Torper were among the artists who created posters for the campaign.Amnesty International won in 1978 the UN Human Rights Prize for “outstanding contributions in the field of human rights”.On 10 December 1982, Human Rights Day, an appeal was launched for a universal amnesty for all prisoners of conscience. It came with notions such as that one should not use arbitrary violence, lie, steal or break contracts. In that year there were now 1,592 groups in 33 countries and more than 70,000 members in 65 countries.In 1977 Amnesty International was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for “having contributed to securing the ground for freedom, for justice, and thereby also for peace in the world”. Amnesty members in the UK belong to the UK Section. Ten years after its foundation the organization comprised more than 1000 voluntary groups in 28 countries and the … State-run quarantines should generally be a last resort. It also sends official missions to countries to make courteous but insistent inquiries.Campaigns to mobilize public opinion can take the form of individual, country, or thematic campaigns. AI does not judge whether recourse to violence is justified or not. most of the world’s major belief systems had been founded: the Jewish faith (later developed into Christianity), Confucianism and Daoism in China, Hinduism and Buddhism in India, and the humanistic philosophy of Athens.3th century BC: Equality. One factor behind the development of human rights is the pursuit of freedom in the sense of emancipation for such groups as citizens, workers, women and slaves. Amnesty International (AI), international nongovernmental organization (NGO) founded in London on May 28, 1961, that seeks to publicize violations by governments and other entities of rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), especially freedom of speech and of conscience and the right against torture. Benenson was reading his newspaper and was shocked and angered to come across the story of two Portuguesestudents sentenced to seven years in prison—for the "crime" of raising their glasses in a toast to freedom. From the earliest times, for example byb King Hammurabi of Babylon around 1750 BC, laws have been written (or cut in stone) that include principles of justice, fairness and protection.