for centuries. Daylight and night bombing raids on Britain (The Blitz) by the Luftwaffe were abandoned. 17 February: Prussian Interior Ministry permits the shooting of "enemies of the state" under the direction of, 28 February: Hitler awarded emergency powers under the presidential decree, Law for the Protection of People and State (". 18 December: Major dispute between NSDAP figures.

In the election of July 1932, the Nazi Party won 37% of the Reichstag seats, thanks to a massive propaganda campaign.

The Great Depression has a large impact on Germany. 14 July: Hitler proclaims the Nazi Party "the only political party in Germany." 18 April: Freikorps suppress communists in Brunswick. Hitler publicly announced that the German Army was to be expanded. Site created in November 2000.

Since Germany couldn't keep up with the debt, France and Belgium came into to Germany and occupied the Ruhr. Hitler declared war on the United States. 27 February 1925: The NSDAP is refounded. 16 June: Papen lifts the ban on the SA and SS. All rights reserved. Hitler denounces Hugenberg's leadership parlance. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations.

In desperation, Jewish parents send their unaccompanied children abroad to escape Nazi persecution. Money also ended being On March 11–13, 1938, German troops invade Austria and incorporate Austria into the German Reich in what is known as the Anschluss. 2 February: Hitler meets with top military leaders, describes his plans to rearm Germany. Hitler combined the post of President and Chancellor and called himself Fuhrer. All political parties except the Nazis were banned, Germany withdrew from the League of Nations.

New German law forbids non-“Aryans” to work in journalism. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison but only served 10 months. Few would have thought that the Nazi Party, starting as a gang of unemployed soldiers in 1919, would become the legal government of Germany by 1933.

This site explores the consequences of Germany's defeat in WWI. Click here for our comprehensive information resource on the society, ideology, and key events in Nazi Germany. August 1921: NSDAP party membership was recorded at 3,300. 23 May: Hitler visits Kiel Harbor to see the fleet consisting of the old.

7 April: "Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service" - Jewish and Communist inclined workers from the Civil Service purged, around 5% removed in total. 27 April: Battle for Munich occurs between Communists and Freikorps units. The leaders were arrested and charged with treason. Members of the Nazi Party and its affiliated organizations organize a nationwide boycott of Jewish-owned businesses in Germany. 14 September: In a milestone election, Nazis gain 6 million votes in national polling to emerge as the second largest party in Germany. Axis alliance concluded between Germany and Italy, Anti-Comintern pact concluded between Germany and Japan, Law concerning the Hitler Youth made membership of the Hitler Youth compulsory for all boys, Anschluss with Austria.

During the first six years of Hitler’s dictatorship, German Jews felt the effects of more than 400 decrees and regulations that restricted all aspects of their public and private lives. 14 April: Freikorps suppress communists in Dresden. While in prison, Hitler wrote volume one of Mein Kampf (My Struggle) , which was published in 1925.This work detailed Hitler's radical ideas of German nationalism, antisemitism, and anti-Bolshevism.

Wannsee Conference approved plans for the ‘Final Solution’. They were also known as brownshirts because of the brown shirts that formed part of their uniform. 24 October: France recognizes the Communist state known as the Soviet Union, alarming German conservatives in the process. Bolstered by British and French encouragement, Poland remained obstinate in the face of German demands, and on September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. A new German law allows courts to order indefinite imprisonment. Yugoslavia and Greece invaded and occupied, Operation Barbarossa – 3 million German troops invaded Russia. reading, is happening now. Following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as German chancellor on January 30, 1933, the Nazi state (also referred to as the Third Reich) quickly became a regime in which citizens had no guaranteed basic rights. Some go underground, to reappear later. February: Inter-Allied Control Commission order 2/3 of Freikorps disbanded. The Hitler Youth , the Student League and the Pupils' League were open to young Germans. 17 December: NSDAP buys its first paper, the.

20 March: NSDAP gains 2.6% of the vote in Reichstag elections.

Revision of Paragraphs 175 and 175a facilitates the systematic persecution of homosexual men in Nazi Germany. 16 May: German officer corps endorses Hitler to succeed the ailing President Hindenburg. The SS was established as an elite group with special duties within the SA, but it remained inconsequential until Heinrich Himmler 23rd March 1933: Enabling Act gave Hitler power to make laws without consulting the Reichstag for a period of four years: 26th April 1933: The Gestapo, Nazi … California – Do not sell my personal information. Under the terms of the Anti-Comintern Pack Hitler was bound to declare war on the United States. 2 May: City of Munich taken; not declared secure until May 6; approximately 1200 Communists killed. 31 July: Reichstag elections: Nazi party becomes the largest party with 13.7 million votes and acquire 230 out of 608 seats in the. In a speech to the National Socialist Women’s Organization, Hitler defined women’s role stating that a woman’s ” world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home.”, Hitler ordered Hermann Goering to establish the Luftwaffe, German airforce, in defiance of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Great Depression – The world depression saw many Germans face unemployment and poverty. 24 September: Chancellor Stresemann ends the passive resistance in the Ruhr; infuriates the nationalists.