Liberal government. NDP Leader John Horgan, left, will attempt to become the first two-term premier in the party's history. B.C. Liberals stand for? "The hope of the NDP is they deal with the question of whether they should have called this election in the first week, and then people tire of the question," said University of British Columbia political scientist Gerald Baier. Several factors point to John Horgan dissolving the agreement with the Green Party that made him premier in 2017: His government’s performance in the pandemic has made him, if … "I think he's counting on that to be the case, but you can't predict what the virus will do.

Sure, they should have been better prepared for a snap election that they purported to want each time they voted no-confidence in the budget.However, it is anything but democratic for Horgan to try to leverage the Liberals’ commendable support and determined lack of criticism throughout this pandemic by taking advantage of their nonpartisanship in that regard with an unwanted early election.What do the B.C. But in recent weeks, Horgan has said the Green party is a different entity from the one he signed the agreement with after the departure of Andrew Weaver as leader. Power exists to help people bring about the change they want, not to be held for its own sake, no matter what it costs or whom it hurts to retain it.”.I would like to think that the premier will eventually prove me correct on that assessment as well, and will not make me eat my words.Believe me, I get the temptation he’s feeling to throw caution to the wind and drop the writ.Fact is, if he does, he’ll likely win a colossal landslide, notwithstanding the political risks of forcing an early vote in these harrowing times.There’s a reason Horgan is so high in the polls.He has shown himself to be one of B.C.’s most capable, competent, trustworthy, politically astute, authentic, fiscally prudent, socially responsible, and easily likable premiers of all time.Sure, he’s an old-school partisan in many respects, whose actions have sometimes put his party’s interests above the public interest, especially in regard to his bungled referendum on electoral reform.His high falutin' climate action rhetoric has also been betrayed by his own penchant for fossil-fueled growth.Yet for the most part, his government has earned high marks for keeping its election promises, smartly implementing most of its platform commitments, and governing with integrity, skill, and aplomb.Of course, it’s tempting to call an election when you are being lauded across Canada as perhaps the best government in the country in managing COVID-19. Green leader's recent comments. Or is he determined to define himself and his administration as true public servants of the first order?Does he wish to simply win, perhaps bigger and a little earlier than he likely otherwise will? 's new NDP government sworn into office","MLA Darryl Plecas defects from B.C. At dissolution, the NDP and Liberals were tied with 41 seats. Here's their seven-hour chat",John Horgan's Web Page for the 2014 BC NDP Leadership Campaign,,British Columbia New Democratic Party MLAs,Politicians from Victoria, British Columbia,Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2018,All articles containing potentially dated statements,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License,This page was last edited on 23 August 2020, at 04:43. Liberal government loses confidence vote 44–42, sparking either NDP government or election","B.C. Liberals for ripping up collective agreements.The CASA is a solemn compact with all British Columbians that the Crown accepted in good faith in conferring confidence in Horgan’s minority government.Either you believe in good faith bargaining and honouring your signed agreements, or you don’t.Ripping up the CASA would be morally unconscionable, even if doing that was no more politically detrimental to the NDP than the B.C. All "We have been involved in politics for the past three-and-a-half years … but the challenges ahead of us are unprecedented and I believe stability is what's required.

Please try again,Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. has a fixed election date set for October 2021, but he said to wait another year would be time wasted.“I believe the challenges we face are not for the next 12 months but indeed for the next four years and beyond,” the NDP leader said.The province’s minority NDP government took power in 2017 after signing an agreement with the Greens, but Horgan said political stability is needed and that is what he is seeking.“I believe that stability will come by asking the people of British Columbia where they want to go and who they want to lead them.”.Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson and Green Leader Sonia Furstenau have questioned the need for an election during the pandemic.Furstenau, who became the party’s leader a week ago, said Horgan put his political future and that of his government ahead of the people of B.C.“This is an irresponsible and unnecessary election,” she told a news conference.She also rejected Horgan’s claims that Green opposition to NDP legislation during the spring session of the legislature contributed to his decision to seek a new mandate, adding that the agreement the party signed “didn’t stipulate utter and total agreement with the NDP.”.But Horgan said the issues of 2017 also aren’t the same as 2020, citing the global pandemic and the economic upheaval it has caused as examples of what has changed.“I have never been more confident that this is the time to ask British Columbians where they want to go. To order copies of