The most stable isotope of protactinium has a half-life of 32,500 years. No known benefits for life processes in plants and animals., Commons-kategori på Wikidata er ens med lokalt link, Wikipedia artikler med LCCN autoritetsdata-ID, Wikipedia artikler med GND autoritetsdata-ID, Creative Commons Navngivelse/Del på samme vilkår 3.0. The SciFest All Access virtual science festival will offer engaging STEM activities and performances SEPTEMBER 16-23, 2020, that celebrate the excitement of STEM for K-12 students, college students, educators, and families. It was only in 1934 when the element was first isolated. There is an additional prize ($500) for the video that receives the most votes online—the People’s Choice winner. exist. Therefore Protactinium metal only It is chemically active, reacting with air, water and acids but not bases. Protactinium is one of the rarest elements and is found in minute quantities in uranium minerals and ores, and can be extracted from these sources in gram quantities. Protactinium is one of the rarest elements and is found in minute quantities in uranium minerals and ores, and can be extracted from these sources in gram quantities. In Move Mining Next Gen, students from grades K-12 create and submit short, 3-minute videos to answer the question, “Why is mining important in our lives?”  There are prizes for a grades K-5 category ($250), a grades 6-8 category ($250) and a grades 9-12 category ($250), as well as an overall winner ($1,000). Protactinium has 20 isotopes, the most common of which is 231Pa with ahalf-life of 32,700 years. Protactinium Properties. Protactinium metal primarily is generated from the decay of the rare isotope uranium 235 (via the very unstable thorium 231). I 1961 brugte United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority 60 tons brugte brændselsstave fra atomreaktorer, og hvad der svarede til en halv million amerikanske dollars, på at udvinde 125 gram 99,9% rent, metallisk protactinium — i mange år menneskehedens største oplag af dette stof. Go to to learn how to make and submit your video! Det navn blev dog ændret til protoactinium i 1918, da to forskerhold (Otto Hahn og Lise Meitner i Tyskland, og Frederick Soddy og John Cranston i Storbritannien) uafhængigt af hinanden opdagede isotopen 231Pa, og yderligere "forkortet" til det nuværende navn, protactinium, i 1949. Pa 91 Protactinium Protactinium metal primarily is generated from the decay of the rare isotope uranium 235 (via the very unstable thorium 231). The MEC Virtual Booth will have the new MEC Careers in Mining video and more! exists in small amounts, most of it is found in nuclear waste. Protactinium reagerer langsomt med atmosfærisk luft. Further data for naturally occuring isotopes of protactinium are listed above. The element is superconductive below 1.4 K. The element is a dangerous toxic material and requires precautions similar to those used when handling plutonium. Protactinium has a bright metallic lustre which it retains for some time in air. I 1934 lykkedes det ham at isolere rent, metallisk protactinium ud fra 0,1 milligram af dette oxid, ved først at omdanne oxidet til et iodid, PaI5, som derefter blev nedbrudt til jod-dampe og frit metal af en glødetråd i et kraftigt vakuum. Outside of science, no applications for protactinium metal Register here. Mineralet begblende indeholder normalt omkring 0,1 ppm 231Pa, men forekomster i Zaire indeholder op imod 3 ppm. Biological Benefits This table gives information about some radiosotopes of protactinium, their masses, their half-lives, their modes of decay, their nuclear spins, and their nuclear magnetic moments. Representative sample of Protactinium metal (Pa231), few micrograms deposited upon Al metal strip sealed in ampoule and permanently casted in resina. Protactinium (atomic number 91) is a metal discovered by Oswald Gohring and Kasimir Fajans in 1913. Protactinium is a decay product of uranium, and can be extracted in very small quantities from uranium minerals. Protactinium has no biological use. Home Mining & Minerals Information Periodic Table of the Elements. The design and re-launch of the new MEC website is madepossible by a generous contribution from Newmont Mining, The SciFest All Access virtual science festival will offer engaging STEM activities and performances, The design and re-launch of the new MEC website is made. Protactinium er det 91. grundstof i det periodiske system, og har det kemiske symbol Pa: Under normale temperatur- og trykforhold optræder dette actinid som et sølvskinnende, radioaktivt metal. This metal has around five isotopes with their mass numbers ranging between 212 to 238 and protactinium 231 is considered to be the most stable isotope with a half-life of about 32,760 years. Det er superledende ved temperaturer under 1,4 kelvin. Therefore Protactinium metal only exists in small amounts, most of it is found in nuclear waste. The element occurs inpitchblende to the extent of about 1 part 231Pa to 10 million of ore. Ores from Zaire haveabout 3 ppm. Cadmium metal shiny pieces 3 grams 99,99% in glass, Chromium metal shiny pieces 5 grams 99,8%, Chromium metal shiny pieces 99,9% casted in acryli, Cobalt metal 2 grams 99.99% argon sealed ampoule a, Cobalt metal pellet > 2 grams in glass vial 99,99%.